Shubi's Forum Posts

  • 1) it is possible to show toast notification with cranberry cordova toast plugin!

    2) i dont know.

    Toast notification feature is a basic feature and should be added to construct 3.

  • Completed a simple but fun game, hope you guys like it.

    play and give reviews!

  • I also completed a game, you can try it here...

    play and give reviews!

  • Completed a simple but fun game, hope you guys like it.

    play and give reviews!

  • pyramidlakegames

    i saw your game have 1000+ downloads, i am also an indie developer and haven't reached 100+ yet, can you please tell how did you achieved 1000+?

  • The apple license is available for an entire year

    You can reuse it for N games.

    I find it a bit abusive from the apple side, to force the 100$ license on some other stores games.

    But then again Apple doesn't know what their are doing anymore.


  • GeorgeZaharia

    thanks for elaborating!


    No (realtime) multiplayer support exist at all in IG sdk, so you have to use a 3rd party for that. Like Photon, Firebase, PlayFab or similar. Depends on what you need.

    Okay, i will learn to use firebase, also i am holding the idea to develop FIG for a while as $100 fee(may be less) for apple ID is too much!

    Thankyou both for helping!

  • Thanks for this plugin,

    can someone please port this plugin in C3? i used it in my game before and i am porting my game to C3!

  • Thanks Noncentz705 for this plugin!

    can someone port this plugin for C3 ? It would be a big help!

  • GeorgeZaharia

    Thank you very much for answering in details... it helped me in understanding things more clearly about FIG

    One followup question though.... about the 2nd answer, it seems you are talking about difficulty in gaining profile data, but if i only need username, friends list/scores and leaderboards.... is it easy to make a multiplayer facebook instant game with C3 right now?

  • I know there are similar posts but they talk about being new to fb games dont even know the stuff i need to do with C3 events to make an instant game, let me clear my questions on this topic..

    I played a game on facebook.. an instant game called Ludo Club... and this is what i observed...

    1) It loads instantly at first but then full game loads for a few seconds... (now how do i manage doing that with C3 events?)

    2) then it was a multiplayer game so it connects me to online players (should i simply use multiplayer object connecting to scirra sever or do something else?)

    these are the only questions in my mind right now, please help me with this basic setup of instant games, i need to implement this in my multiplayer game...

    PS - i need to know do i absolutely need to spend on apple store license to do instant games? (i read it somewhere that i need to)


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  • it works in preview but not after build, in my project i will have to remove a lot of things, just try tap action on a sprite and a radios action with minifying export i am sure it will recreate the bug!

  • sorry to say but the plugin works abnormally if i use minifying script.....

    - tap action doesnot work sometimes...

    - radio alert doesnt work at all...

    note that it works perfectly fine if we dont minify. so thanks for porting it though! :) hope you will have some time to fix the bugs, will wait for it :)

  • wow! u are awesome bro! :)Thanks...

  • Yeah it works after unchecking minifying... can't you fix it please..?

    it also does not support plugin bundle option...