shirokuma's Forum Posts

  • Click on the View tab, then place a checkmark in the Properties Bar item.

  • Is there another On start of layout in your Level_1_Events event sheet where you might be setting karakter's position? Can you put the project up on dropbox or google drive and private message me a link? I can take a closer look at it.

  • You still can. Which led me to this:





    Defines the rectangle of the currently visible viewport. This may be larger or smaller than the canvas size if the scale is not 1.0.

    You don't have a scale set to below 1.0 do you?

  • It seems like the gaps should appear on both sides. I recall reading something about settings that cause the layout to be drawn from the upper left, but of course I can't find it now.

    I was re-reading through this tutorial and it sure sounds like it's an issue of aspect ratio: (Other than the gap is on one side.) ... reen-sizes

    [quote:143056tt]This is the same problem faced by TV producers. There are many TVs out there using aspect ratios of 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10. If a producer films a TV show only in 4:3, on a 16:9 TV there will be gaps at the sides, or possibly even unintended off-set equipment and crew visible! Similarly, if you draw a background exactly fitting one display, then run it with Scale outer mode on another display with a slightly different aspect ratio, gaps will appear at the side or content outside the layout becomes visible. This can even happen if you simply don't take in to account the space taken up by the status bar on devices like the iPhone.

    There are two ways to solve this problem:

    1) Use Scale outer mode, and draw your backgrounds wider (or taller, depending on orientation) than the window size, past the normally viewable edges, to ensure no gaps ever appear regardless of the device aspect ratio.

    2) Use Scale inner mode, and make sure nothing important is close to the edges, since the edges are susceptible to being cut off on different size displays.

    You might try the solutions offered just to see if it changes anything.

  • Ouch... This one hurt my brain! But it was fun to get it figure out. In the Set scroll to Y line you can adjust the final 0.05 to change the scroll to speed.

  • Do you know what the aspect ratio of your mobile device is? If it's a 16:10 and your project gets scaled to match the height it looks like there would be a gap similar to what you mentioned.

  • You can change the random ranges to effect both quantity and placement. It's different every time the layout loads.

  • Can you explain a little more? When do you want to save them?

  • I modified it a little. I think it's closer to what you want.

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  • Did you want something like this? There are 2 different scroll to options in there.

  • I wasn't certain you had access to Families. Here is a version using them.

  • Move to a door and press the up arrow to go to the next room.

  • From the manual:


    The size, in pixels, of the margins. The margins are the grey areas outside the layout area. This only affects the Layout View and has no effect when previewing.

    So they seem to only be a workplace decoration.

  • Well, that was kind of fun. See if you can get what you need out of this file.

  • You can always PM me. I'm at work right now so I can't always answer right away.

    It might be safer to just post your questions on the forum. I'm still pretty new to the software. I'm using other people's question to drive my learning.