shirokuma's Forum Posts

  • Could you do something like:

    distance( enemy.x, enemy.y, player.x, player.y) < 600 set speed to 0

    Or something of that nature...

  • Using invisible objects was much easier code. As implemented it will not differentiate between large objects. So if you had two large objects on screen, and if the hidden point on the large object that you didn't drop the small object happened to be nearer it would snap to that one.

  • raster

    Only the dropbox site.

  • Hummm.... It might be a good idea to have some invisible sprites pinned to a base that you could then snap things to. It would allow you to name the invisible sprites and then do a pick nearest of the named invisible sprite. Now I need to do some experimenting.

  • Sure...

    Line 1 - The event is on drop of the small box

    Line 2 - is a sub event to line 1 and checks to see if you dropped it over the large box

    Line 3 - is a sub event of line 2 and compares the distance between the small box position and ImagePoint(0) and see if it's less than the distance between small box position and ImagePoint(1). If it is I set small box's position to large box's ImagePoint(0) and pin it to large box by position and angle.

    Line 4 - this is also a sub event of line 2 (If there are only 2 image points you probably don't need this, you could just use an Else statement) It checks to see if it's a shorter distance to ImagePoint(1) if it is I set the small box's position to the large box's ImagePoint(1) position, and pin it there.

    Line 5 - Unpins the small box on the start of a drag in case you want to move it after you have dropped it on the large box.

  • Something like this?


    (Edit - Okay now it snaps to the nearest image point.)

  • Are you talking something like this.

    (Note: Walk slowly - when you reach a hit zone the camera shifts only while you are moving.)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • It's working for me now. (Chrome Version 33.0.1750.154 m)

    It's looking good. You might consider a minimum value for mouse/touch, so that when nemo reaches the cursor/touch he doesn't go into seizures.

  • I too am unable to access it. I click on the link, there is a looooooong delay, and then this message:

    I get this message:

    [quote:2em4pgoc]Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to

    Did you mean: herobo.­com

    This is the link that is showing:


  • Can you explain a little more? Are you talking about the Scroll To behavior?

  • You could use distance:

    distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) Calculate distance between to points

    From this manual page:

  • I don't think I used anything in it that requires the licensed version of C2.

  • See if this gets you started. Use the right arrow and left arrow to move, and the up arrow to enter doors or buy something.

  • Sorry, I guess that one hurt my brain too much. I uploaded the wrong file. Here is the correct one.

  • Glad you found it!

    FYI: I take Fish-n-Chips tips!