shinkan's Forum Posts

  • I understand your point. And I know that game after restart should look the same every time. I'm just saying that C2 don't know if You want to restart game or go back to previous layout - that's why You need to specify that.

    And like I in my first post it's doable using webstorage for example.

  • ... when multiplayer feature comes out Arcade will be filled with another thousands of modified "games" from C2\Examples folder.

  • neutrinox Yeah, thats true. Persist behavior was made with reentering layouts in mind. But like I said. Reentering layout and restarting layout is one and same thing.

    What do you mean by "you still need manual placement of items and characters" ?

  • Arima I've seen that post before deletion and I agree it was inappropriate and it should be deleted/hidden or whatever. Doing great job keep it doing.

    Joannesalfa You just answered yourself

    "I've seen a hack, but I'm not allowed to tell here because there a "police" on this forum"" - this is what I've called above inappropriate. You should never mention that kind of things on public forums like this one. If you know about some "hack" thing and you want developers of that software to be aware of that, just tell them.

    But after reading all of above posts saying "but it would be nice if the company discovers it and they should able to fix it" it's just wrong and bad excuse.

  • neutrinox Not really. Engine don't know if you are resetting layout or coming back from different one - that's for persist behavior is.

  • neutrinox you can use Webstorage to save data, and then load it up on start of layout.

  • Gamedevelop was mentioned here ages ago. First time it was something about 4 years ago... Even Gamedevelop author 4ian is still present in here ;)

    Just type Gamedevelop in the search bar and look for posts from CC forum.

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  • Not bad. only 3fps difference between 1024x1024 and 8192x8192? Not bad at all


  • bertie Booster thanks! that's a good news... not that your pc is old :/ but that it still runs at 60fps. Appreciation and gratitude.

  • linkman2004 hey did You ever consider adding simple easing for lag/transitions? Like ease in/out, or bounce in/out.

    Edit: One more question. Is there a way to set different lag for player moving horizontally and vertically?

    I would like to set lag ie. to 75 when player moves on X axis and to 50 for Y axis.

  • Kali Thanks for the input!

    ahr Ech I'm looking for something "very simple" like this

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The main idea was to have not too many rooms (with different sizes) and corridors of various widths. And basically that's what I want.

  • I made myself an engine for my current project and thought to share about it with you.

    My main goal is to make:

    • something to handle quite large layouts
    • something to let me focus more on gameplay and less on placing sprites one by one on layout.

    Having this in mind I made it to be very compact (object count wise) and fully automatic - doing all for me on runtime.

    So basically what I need to do, is to define specific areas like walls, doors, player start/end positions... Which are represented by simple tiles - like in every level editor but without having one.

    Events then translate that areas and place proper objects at runtime and set all needed logic, effects etc.

    Engine in current version:

    • Top-down perspective
    • Making levels is very simple (example below is using sprite animation frames to load and setup level. But it's made to read data from *.png files, Tiled *.tmx files, or simply by drawing tiles on layout...)
    • Z sorting with different object types
    • Collisions
    • Simple enemies AI (chasing player on sight)
    • Simple player controls (walk, interact with doors)
    • Minimum object count as possible (for Layout 8192x8192 it's using only 82 objects)

    To do:

    • Random level creation (can't find any good solution for that:/)
    • Tweak lighting and shadows
    • Full player/enemies animations support (Spriter with new plugin will fit beautifully when it is finally released)
    • Proper gameplay mechanics
    • Art style
    • Game!

    Here's a little screenshot (all objects are only temporary placeholders)


    Windows, OSX, Linux 32, Linux 64, apk (using Crosswalk), www,

    (I'm not able and probably will never be to test OSX and Linux version, but they are here if someone's interested)

    On my PC: Win 7 64bit sp1 - Intel Core i7 3770K, 32GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 4000 (my GeForce 570 gtx broke on a Monday ) on Large map (Layout size 8192x8192) filled with objects I get 60fps all the time, no hiccups or slowdowns.

    Even with my current shadow/light engine (based on R0J0hound Paster plugin) I still keep 60fps.

    Lighting engine is not present in current preview because it needs many more tweaks and I'm still not happy with it.

    So yeah, please test it. Post your specs and fps results. I'm very interested how it's running on different configurations - especially on linux and osx.

    Any questions or suggestions post below.

    Thanks for watching/reading

  • What blackhornet said.

    In addition

    <img src="" border="0">

    and Manual entry How Events Work

  • typewriter_audio.capx

    Can't remember who made that typewriter example (think it was Ashley)... I just added sound to it.

  • Go for stable.