shinkan's Forum Posts

  • On start of layout (or something completly different) - > Set instance variable to global variable.

    You can't type variable names to other variables in the editor. It most be done via events.

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  • "Special conditions" section in the "Add event" or "Add condition" window.

    It depends how big is your screen, for me "Trigger once while true" is last one on the right ;P

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  • +text object -> set text to "fps"

    "fps" is a system expression

  • Yes, that part of manual I can understand ;P

    Let me rephrase my question. What about practical use of unlerp

    I can easily comprehend what e.g. lerp(self.x,target.x,dt) do, but unlerp?

    I know i'm missing something simple.

  • Yes, usually Photoshop gives me an error, "this file can't be save cause other soft is using it blah blah..." and have to close C2 first, do my stuff, reopen it and images are replaced with new ones

    This time I didn't get that info (that's why i remembered that, bit odd) and after that could normally save and close project but C2 stayed open. Only ending process in tasks manager can close it.

  • Could someone please explain me how it works?

    Manual says

    nlerp(a, b, y) Reverse linear interpolation: if lerp(a, b, x) = y, then unlerp(a, b, y) = x. Calculates (y - a) / (b - a).

    but to be fair i don't get it.

  • ...but remember, making top layer visible will not deactivate what's beneath it. If you have some buttons or thing that can be pressed/activated by mouse or keyboard they will be still functional.

    Saying this because i did that one time :/ and was wandering why all this crazy stuff going on while my "Game over" screen is visible... sad but true story ;)

  • If animation "punch" is playing and "your sprite" is overlapping/in collision with different sprite -> do something


    At specific frame of your punch animation, spawn new sprite (detector).

    As always, there is many ways to do that kind of stuff.

  • You could try making some sort of a counter which will count how many time specific button was pressed and then do something.

  • I've noticed this twice today every time with C2 and Photoshop opened at same time.

    May be irrelevant but I think each time I had opened, modify and save some image files in Photoshop from Animations folder of currently opened C2 project. After that I could not close C2.

  • There is a very small part of a bigger project focused on firing and reloading.


  • You can make TiledBG object witch 1 bullet image, and strech it in or out.

    Or make a sprite with animation representing you current bullet status,

    or simple number based counter.

    There are many ways to do that. You have to be more precised what you want to do.

  • Hey Ashley would it be possible to add a shortcut to delete and remove instances permanently?

    For now if you press delete, it removes that instance from editor and gives you a popup info message to delete it in project bar as well.

    what about ctrl+del to delete it from editor and project bar same time?

    Thing is it's kind of annoying if you have a lot of objects and folders in project bar to look for one sprite every time you delete it from editor.

    Or maybe something like "show in projects bar" option when you right click an instance in the editor.