shimo's Forum Posts

  • OK I get it, the video ads looks well

  • Hello I've played your game and I like so much, overall the good performance it has on my android, Althougt I would like know what kind of network ads are you using in your game??

    Thanks in advance.

    Hola Jugue tu juego y me gusto mucho, sobre todo el buen rendimiento que tiene en mi android, aunque me gustaria saber que tipo de plugin usaste para la publicidad de tu juego?

    Gracias de antemano.

  • mmm so the active layout just only can access to the sprites which be within it..

    I am afraid I would need to use some global variables or an array, would be great can to access to global sprites from a distinct layout.

  • Hello there.

    I would like if iis posible and how is posible to access to sprites from another diferent layout?

    for example I have an sprite1 on Layout1, this sprite1 is global and belongs to a family1 , then I try to change its size property for example , from anoter layout=> layout2 using the function foreach(family1), but do not apper any sprite from thet family in layout 2, This is possible ? or How can I that?

    thanks in advance!

  • My game Available on Google Play,

    using CrossWalk and Admob plugin of course.

    Have fun!

  • Can to use various behaviors together without issue would be great!

  • Yeah, that's true, but I have not many options to do this. I think that should be possible, because when the object enemy is over an solid object immovable (like tile map) and the main player is on enemy object (green box), the 'is on floor' property works fine, therefore the main player animations work fine as well:(notice the main player animation run appear)

    However when the enemy object is over the yellow object (which have sine behavior) and the main player goes above from enemy, the main player animation run do not appear, because the 'is on floor' property never is detected:

  • Problem Description


    There is an specific situation when Is on floor property do not work properly, for example if you create an object(enemy) and set 2 behaviors: jump-thru and platform together, then this object falls over another object(object2) which have behaviors: jump-thru an sine(with vertical movement), and you jump with the main player (using platform behavior again) and fall over the first object(enemy) which is on the object 2 that is moving up and down, the Is on floor property is not detected correctly.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    There is some objects each with a number 1,2,3,4, you also have a main player which you can move with arrows keys and jumping with arrow key up on those objects, there is an Text object that says or shows whether the player is on floor or not.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      jump over each object and you can see the Txt object shows whether the player is on floor or not.

    Observed Result

    When you are over object 2 Is on floor property do not work properly

    Expected Result

    should have not any problem I guess, since all other objects work fine.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • FireFox: YES
    • Internet Explorer: YES

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1 84bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    release 192 (64bit)

  • Hey thanks Ashley, I was thinking redesigning some levels

  • Its hard to explain in my poor english, :p just only try the capx

  • Problem Description

    Hello there, I got a problem with something, the matter is the next:

    ok when you put a sprite just below of margin from window size and jump on it to destroy it (using platform behavior for example), the objects is not destroy and I do not understand why.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    Using arrow keys you can move the player, with arrow up jump on the block and if you press arrow down when are falling the block would be destroy it, the problem is the blocks with number 1 never are destroyed

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • jump on yellow blocks
    • when falling press arrow down
    • try destroy all them

    Observed Result

    you can see the block numbre 1 are not destroyed

    Expected Result

    all blocks must be destroyed succsses

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • FireFox: YES
    • Internet Explorer: YES

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1 64 bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    release 190 (64 bit)

  • Prominent thank you so much! I had forgotten completely that, and of course that was the solution

  • Hello guys

    I have a little problem with Tile maps, I have 2 layouts with 1 tilemap every one. then when I set

    System>Go to Layout1 or System>Go to Layout2 the Tile maps are not destroyed, so I must to do it before to change or to go to another layout if not I will have 2 Tiemaps on the same layoud. I do not know what's going on

    anyone has had the same problem?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thank you so much regisRquoi, and yeah I knew that things about as the mask collision and the space key in my game, but I am glad about this : [quote:1xudh5gw]if you press the down arrow while you jump you can kill the enemies, Otherwise they'll just be stunned

    because I was not sure about this behavior I was thinking giving up it, but now I thinks that would be great!!

    And I thanks alvarop the graphic designing of game going to go changing and upgrading continuously . I hope, I show you guys something else soon, btw I am not knew I no need to start a new thread every time, thanks for this info as well


    and also I would like see or know about your game projects guys!

  • Hello there.

    WIP this is beginning to take shape.

    Mainly I changed the some stuffs, as the control player, now he has a standard speed, can picking up objects or enemies an throw them.

    Key arrows to move, 'S' to jump and 'A' to pick up and throw objects.

    Have fun!?
