ShadowVox's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • Doesn't matter anymore. Facebook is telling me I can't publish a game to the public without a business and a business license. So, I give up.

    From Facebook : Be linked to a business for App Review. The business must be a verified business in order to launch the game.

  • Instant games share

  • Well, any text in the text field does not show up when sharing. Unless you have a solution for that you'd like to share.

  • Almost 2 days of reading and searching, but it's still not fully working.

  • I have a simple test game published through Facebook Instant Apps. Most everything seems to work. One issue, a lot of people I have testing tell me when they try to launch it, Facebook keeps telling them to upgrade Facebook. They have the latest version. Anyone else run into this, or know what's wrong?


  • Another issue. Nothing in the text field is posting.

  • Oh...oh...oh... ON THE LAYOUT. Lemme try that.

    It works! Three little words solved the issue.

    Thank you so much. 2 days of searching and you solved this!

  • I've made this very simple game to test on Facebook Instant games. It works. Somewhat.

    I just want the user to be able to share their score on their timeline. Simple right? Turns out it's not.

    Instant games plugin has a share function, but I cannot get it to work. I've read forums here and elsewhere. Some claim to have solved the problem, but none have worked for me. The game is on Facebook and is playable (although, it's just a simple test game).

    Can someone help out with this? And keep it simple please.


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  • 8 posts