Strange Facebook Issue

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  • I have a simple test game published through Facebook Instant Apps. Most everything seems to work. One issue, a lot of people I have testing tell me when they try to launch it, Facebook keeps telling them to upgrade Facebook. They have the latest version. Anyone else run into this, or know what's wrong?


  • i wanna know how you managed to even get facebook working at all.

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  • Almost 2 days of reading and searching, but it's still not fully working.

  • I have no idea what you guys are trying to do.

    If you refer to IG plugin, it works perfectly, with contruct exports. No issues.

    If you try to create a Facebook (canvas) game it can be hard these days.

  • Well, any text in the text field does not show up when sharing. Unless you have a solution for that you'd like to share.

  • for me it works fine.

    are you talking about share or update?

    If you ever want help you have to specify exactly what you are trying to achieve, which events etc

  • Instant games share

  • try it in messeger on your phone.

  • Doesn't matter anymore. Facebook is telling me I can't publish a game to the public without a business and a business license. So, I give up.

    From Facebook : Be linked to a business for App Review. The business must be a verified business in order to launch the game.

  • For text sharing, apparently they recently made a modification preventing "app's side" to put in/force a text message.

    You can share a picture, but not just post text to the user's wall.

    I'm not completely clear on the exact nature of the modification, my colleagues did talk to me about it but we had to chose and modify the nature of sharing we were going with in our application.

    This is not for Instant Games, but I would suspect the sharing issue is similar to the one we had because of this new change on FB's side.

  • For Instant Games the sharing of image&text works in messenger, but only image on wall. pre defined text is not allowed there any longer as you say.

    (And yes, you will need a verified business to release IG nowadays.)

  • I have the same problem, did you resolve that?

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