shadowscawl's Forum Posts

  • hmm I have been doing updates and suddenly it works again

    i have a feeling missing directx was the culprit (maybe .net? not sure since i installed both around the same time) at any rate it might be a good idea to capture that and send up an error to let the user know something is missing preventing the software from starting rather then simply not doing anything

  • Exact same issue here did you ever find out what was happening?

    Construct 2 from steam was working perfectly but then I had to re-install windows on my computer and after doing so and re-installing steam/construct 2 when i click the icon nothing happens

    no application opens i don't get any errors the windows hour glass barely even pops up for a quick flash and then **** nothing

    I actually came here to post my own thread on the issue but i saw this one and didn't want to post a redundant issue since as far as I can tell I am experiencing the exact same issue

    If it helps any I am opted in to the beta downloads

  • OK cool thanks :). I do understand the need for proper content control and anti-spam measures so its cool no worries :)

  • Hello I was just here at this game in the arcade:

    And I attempted to leave the following comment:

    wesome! just needs more robots to appear on screen when the shaking starts to get that real Harlem Shake effect. :D going to be sending my wife to try this one as soon as she wakes up.

    and instead of getting the satisfaction of complimenting a fellow designers good work I get a box telling me that my comment looks like spam and if I attempt to comment again I will be banned (or something to that effect)

    Anyone know whats up with that? Do I have to worry that if I comment on a game I will be banned?

    I hope this post doesn't come off rude but I am slightly annoyed.

  • just a quick point of order:

    In OP's post he mentioned that his game is only intended to be played on desktops (I am assuming with node-webkit or awesomium)so I could be wrong but I think what he really means to ask is

    since his game will not be played in any of the big 3 browsers and is only intended for desktop release does node-webkit or awesomium require all 3 media formats or can 1 or 2 be safely stripped without breaking functionality

    I do not know the answer to this so i am not much help but i did get the feeling the question was being looked at from the wrong perspective so I thought I would suggest what I felt to be the proper perspective :P

    I hope no one thinks this post rude I truly only mean to help and if I am mistaken no problem :)

  • Create a sprite object and name it (I call mine Vol_EventTrigger)Give it instance variables for gotoX gotoY and LVL

    create global variables for spawnX and spawnY

    create three event sheets and call them system createPlayer and removePlayer

    in createPlayer do something like this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    in removePlayer do something like this

    <img src="" border="0" />

    and in system do something like this

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Now you can change parameters on a per instance basis and place as many portals to different layouts as you want

    just create an instance of the Vol_EventTrigger as a sort of trip wire in the doorway to every area you want to send you player and then in that instances instance variables specify the spawn location and the layout you are spawning in to and voila!

    now all you have to do is make sure the 3 new event sheets you created are included in your layout event sheets and you should be good to go

    also note the structure of the Vol_EventTrigger events and the fact that what is listed is type = 0

    this is so that you can assign another instance variable to your event trigger and call it "Type" and then you can create different conditions for each type of event trigger and then you can use the same object not only to trigger level switches but any number of in game events such as dialog with npcs or other scripted events

    I do hope I didn't miss anything I'm not very good at giving instruction :P

  • I got this from another forum and I held on to it as a sort of AI Bible Verse that i can refer back to whenever I need to do anything AI related. I suggest you do the same. It is based on an example of a tank game but the concept is the same for a fighting game or any other kind of game really.

    You need to think about your AI conceptually. Think about all the decisions you have to make as a player in your game. It may help to make a flowchart. Say you've got a tank game. Here are some decisions the AI has to consider:

    1)  Can I see the human player?
    2)  Do I want to move towards him, stay put, or back off?
    3)  Is my turret aiming at him?  Should I rotate it?
    4)  Do I have a clear shot?
    5)  Which way is the human moving?  Where should I aim to lead the target?
    6)  Am I ready to take a shot?
    7)  If I don't see the human player, which way should I go?
    8)  Is there something blocking my path?  Which way should I turn instead?
    9)  Is a tank shell coming at me?  Where can I move to avoid it?

    Just a small example of all the decisions your AI would have to consider. After you've got these all listed, you need to come up with how your AI will come up with the answers. For example:

    1)  Can I see the human player?
       a) If he's closer than 500 units and I have line of sight, I can see him.
       b) If I have seen him in the last 10 seconds and he's no longer in sight, remember where he was at.
    2)  Do I want to move towards him, stay put, or back off?
       a) If his back is turned to me, I will move to him
       b) If he's moving closer to me, stay put
       c) If my health is too low, back off
    3)  Is my turret aiming at him?  Should I rotate it?
       a) Rotate my turret to face him or his last known position at all     times
    4)  Do I have a clear shot?
       a) Is there something between me and where I want to shoot?
       b) If there is, I should move somewhere else
    5)  Which way is the human moving?  Where should I aim to lead the target?
       a) Based on speed and direction of the human, and speed of my bullet, calculate the trajectory I need to fire at
       b) Add/subtract some degree of error to this trajectory based on difficulty level of the AI
    6)  Am I ready to take a shot?
       a) I can only fire one shot every 5 seconds, make it count
    7)  If I don't see the human player, which way should I go?
       a) Can I go straight?  If so, move forward
       b) At random intervals, rotate the tank if the path is free to go in that direction
       c) If I am stuck, determine which way I can move and rotate the tank in that direction
       d) If my health is low, make sure there are obstacles between the human and me
    8)  Is there something blocking my path?  Which way should I turn instead?
       a) If I don't see the human, turn a random direction and try that instead
       b) If I see the human, choose a new path to a clear shot
    9)  Is a tank shell coming at me?  Where can I move to avoid it?
       a) Determine the angle of the attack and move perpendicular to it if free to do so.

    Then, once you have your decisions and how your AI will handle them, then it's up to you to take your flowchart and code it. By this, it means you have to come up with the programming for "If I see the human, choose a new path to a clear shot" and what that means for your game. This could be several lines to hundreds of lines of code for each part, depending on how complex your AI is.

    Then, to go a step further, you can provide the AI some learning capacity:

    1) Does the human player tend to back off when he's hurt?  If so, how should I react to that?
    2) Does the human come straight for me instead of flanking?  If so, how should I react to that?
    3) Is the human fairly accurate with his shots?  If so, should I use cover more?

    Again, how to code these measurements and responses is up to you, but you should already be able to see the value in thinking about all these details and writing them down ahead of time, so the coding will be easier when you're ready to program the AI rules of engagement.

  • Oh wow! I can't believe I missed that thread! I feel like such a dunce now. :P Anyway i did another search and as I am sure you have figured out I found what I needed. For those who visit this thread looking for the answer to the issue it is at this link:

    (again I always check the manual first. I have no idea how I missed this one but anyway)Thanks for the help.

  • Ah thank you I will keep looking but I haven't found the thread in question yet (I did do the obligatory forum search before posting this but just didn't turn anything up which I thought odd considering this MUST be a fairly common thing for people to want to do)

    That said if anyone should happen across the thread in question it would be great if you could link to it and save me a bit more time but i will keep looking either way.

  • linkman2004 (or anyone else who might know the answer)

    I wasn't sure if i should post this in the already quite long magicam thread or if i should just start a new thread so I hope this is the right place)

    I might be missing something really stupid as I haven't been using construct 2 for incredibly long but i have set up my game to zoom according to how close the player is to a bad guy however I have a GUI layer which is set to 0, 0 parallax which works fine accept when the camera zooms for a bad guy it zooms my GUI layer

    I know generally people want a capx to look at but i figured this should be a pretty simple question and not require folks digging through my work

    simply put is there a way to make the magicam "zoom to" action ignore a specified layer (in this case my GUI layer)that I am missing?

  • this is great! any chance of you uploading the updated capx? id love to play with that :D

    now we just need a castlevania engine in here :P

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I can tell you that if your intention is to "get around coding" then you probably wont get very far even with C2. The event sheets in C2 are a form of programming albeit a very easy to grasp form. What you are intending to do is not going to be easy but it is possible. My advice to you is to stop thinking of Construct as a means to "get around coding" and start thinking of it as a relatively pain free entry in to learning to code. There isn't going to be a tutorial here or anywhere else that is just going to straight up tell you exactly what to do step by step to make your game work. Instead of looking for one try breaking down your project in to modular peices and figuring out how to overcome each step one by one. That way you will be much more likely to find info that is meaningful and reletive to the problem at hand. But when you find that answer you need to be able to process it and come out knowing how to fix your issue and for that you are going to have to learn the software which in turn means you are going to have to learn a bit of programming. (like I said visual programming such as what you see in constructs event sheets is still programming)

    I hope that helps :)

    I encourage you not to give up!

  • Has there been any work done on this over the past 4 months? It looks great and is exactly what I need for my current project but I don't want to get started using a plugin that has been abandoned and/or is no longer maintained.

    Sincerely though I hope it is still active because it looks like you have done some great work.

  • if you crop the image there wont be any space around it

    that's precisely what cropping does

  • aaaand boom goes the dynamite! That sorted it for me thank you so much you're awesome! :D