shadowedsol's Forum Posts

  • Yes you can create an Event that reads multiple array values (length?) and then runs an action. Hope that is what you meant by length, but you can pretty much get anything you want out of an array.

  • Hey Kataryna

    Add 8 directional movement with text box angle set to layer angle 90 degrees. File link has been updated.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Hope that helps.

  • Here is a screenshot of the array since you can't open it.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Thanks Danijerry for the correction, I forgot about that.

    Cap are opened with the old Construct

  • Hey sbakht,

    Is the background on the sprite sheet transparent or black?

    You can import a sprite sheet via right clicking on the animation window under the edit image (double clicking a sprite to go to edit image) Check this post Sprite Sheets

  • Hey Yumarod3

    Basically you need 4 things.

    One Damage variable

    Two enemy sprite

    Three text object/plugin

    Four Keyboard/mouse plugin

    Set the damage to whatever you want. Create a enemy with an instance variable for its health. Then set keyboard/mouse to subtract damage from the enemy's health. While spawning a text object with whatever coordinates you want (next to/on top of) for your sprite. Then setup the movement for the text object with every __ seconds moving the text object up -Y. Add a fade behavior to the text object. And your done.

    Here is the example I put together to test. Floating Damage

    Not 100% sure this is the best way, but it will get you started.

    Here is a screen shot in case you can't open.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Good Luck

  • Toon boom studio is great, it is pretty easy to use. If you want a free option, Synfig, it still a little bit buggy, but it allows vector and bitmap animation. You could also look into Pencil it is more of a traditional animation where you have to draw each frame (flash style interface).

  • Hey Marcos Trivino,

    Remember arrays are based off of zero. So if you are creating an array (10,1,0) then it should look like this






    I put a quick example together to show you. Conversation Array

    Also check out Kyatric Array examples in the array section of FAQ

    Concrete commented example of use of arrays and A miniRPG example using array are great. FAQ

    Hope this helps

  • Hey Drakoniak,

    The best place to start is by looking at the tutorial section of the site and getting use to the way Construct 2 works. There is one on turrets however I think it is link to mouse movement.

    Also the FAQ section has a lot of example files to look at.

    FAQ Check out the files on Tower defense-like turrets, Another example of enemies patrol and there is an inventory system the works well as a collector for the money/upgrades, I can't remember which one it is unfortunately, it uses a sprite with supermeatboy.

    You can also use the search option, you general get good results, sometime the results are for the first construct so watch out for those posts

    Good luck

  • Well the pin idea didn't work, will have to come up with another plan for collision detection, for now here is the basic setup for a combo system. Basic Combo Setup

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hey Matt,

    You might want to check the [How do I]Frequently asked questions Camera/Scrolling section or try looking at the ghost shooter example in the examples folder that comes with Construct 2. FAQ

    If you mean the camera is stationary and when the player hit the edge of the screen it follows the player. You could most likely modify the Edge scrolling tutorial to get what you need.

    Edge Scrolling

    Hope this helps

  • Hey Majord, I just saw this post when I was looking into setting up a Streets of Rage Brawler and saw that you still have not gotten the issue resolved after posting other places. What exactly is the issue you are having?

    I took a super quick look at it before work and notice that the collision detection was on the main body of the sprite, instead of on the hands. I am also new to Construct 2 but I think, if you set an image point on the animation and pin a collision box to it, you should be able to apply damage to the enemy. Right now if you run into him the you die.

    Also the movement on street of rage is an 8 directional movement. A tutorial made on faking the jump with an animation it pretty good.

    8 Direction Jump Tutorial

    You might want to check out the platformer section in the How Do I Frequently asked questions by Kyatric. The one about the Grabbing the edges of a platform/wall might help too.

    I won't have time to dig deeper into your file for a few days. But if your question is about the collision detection it should be an easy fix.

  • Thanks for the help, that makes way more sense to have the wait and the Boolean together.

  • Health Recharge problem

    I created a code where if the player is taking damage the health is reduced. Once the player has stop taking damage the health will wait 4 second and then recharge. I set this up with a Boolean operation which seems to work, however if the player takes damage while the health is recharging the health continues to recharge. If I set the Boolean back to false it doesn't recharge/it counts 3 point and stops???

    The 3 also comes in later if the health reach 100 it should stop counting however it will go for an extra 3 health points/seconds? (the 3 will change if every 1 second is changed to like 0.005 seconds)

    I am thinking it has to do with wait 4 seconds (the system counts while it waits)

    I did set a statement that forces the health to stay at maxHealth (100)

    My layer effect problem.

    At 25% health I want a layer 2 to fade in. It works fine however it is suppose to have an additive on the layer. If the health goes below 0 then the layer additive effect can be seen, just during the fade in it doesn't work. I am trying to avoid using a full size/screen transparent png (the file size would be bigger then I like).

    This is my first attempt at coding in Construct so there might be a better way of doing it, that I am not seeing/don't know about.

    Thanks for you help

  • Super simple. Click on the project tab, under layout create a new layout (default = Layout 2) then setup a collision detect or anything you want to complete the level (timer etc...) in Layout 1 and then go to the events sheet and set the system go to layout "Layout 2" once you have hit the collision/time ran out...

    Here is a real quick version. Level change on the ball falling out of layout 1 then layout 2 launches.

    Basics level change

    Here is a more complex tutorial on saving variables...

    How to series - 'In Game Shop'

  • Thanks for the tip, I found a few more examples.