shadiho's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • hi lanceal,

    is there a trial version of this plugin to test it before purchasing it??

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I have an Arabic text in my game where I am using a the Kufi Web font from Google to render it, it is working perfectly on web and also when I debug it on android device through Intel XDK, but the problem when I build it with crosswalk and download the run-time to the same device the font is not working and it is showing the default font which is so ugly

    any feedback how can I solve this issue, or at least if you have a tested Arabic web fonts, please share it with me, this issue is a show-stopper for my game to go live....

  • hi Aphrodite,

    could you please advise how we can disable the blacklist?

  • what do you mean by using .php???

  • I am facing the same issue, please if you find any solution shared here with me.

  • I've compiled my game with Android corssWalk, I tested it with Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note, both are working fine with good speed, but When I tested in Galaxy tab 3, the performance was so bad, all of the mentioned devices are running the same Android version 4.2.

    so is the problem related to the device itself or to my game and do you have any advises to make the game running faster.

  • I have a game running perfectly when previewing it on the PC, after exporting it to CocoonJS, I am facing many issues when I download it to Android, please if any one have a solution or suggestion, share it with me.

  • I am very happy to use Construct 2, but I am suffering a lot in converting the game to mobile APP, so if any has enough experience let me know the best way.

  • 8 posts