Arabic Web Font

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  • I have an Arabic text in my game where I am using a the Kufi Web font from Google to render it, it is working perfectly on web and also when I debug it on android device through Intel XDK, but the problem when I build it with crosswalk and download the run-time to the same device the font is not working and it is showing the default font which is so ugly

    any feedback how can I solve this issue, or at least if you have a tested Arabic web fonts, please share it with me, this issue is a show-stopper for my game to go live....

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  • shadiho, I am also getting the same issue with arabic language. Did you find any solution for it or anyone else here can help resolve this

  • You can download noorehira.ttf or noorehuda.ttf or me_quran.ttf and go to and you must upload and converting to face-font as zip extension. And change setting to arabic . Extract all and import to your Construct2 project. Make event everythick-setfontweb-familyname:"look on stylesheet.css"this is name of font, and CSS url :"style sheet.css"is name of your CSS file.

    Example i want noorehira.ttf :::::::::::family name"noorehira"........CSS url:"stylesheet.css".itu work for me

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