SeriouslyCrunchy's Forum Posts

  • Check the image points of the bar. Make sure the origin image point is in the right place, often if you resize images it will have moved.

    For following touch the 'For every tick : set X = Touch.X & set Y = Touch.Y' should work fine, you should not need to have anything trigger on touch end unless you want something else to happen when you release the touch.

  • Hi there. Is there a reason you are using 'set mirrored' and 'set not mirrored' on the bullet? Is there any reason to change the bullets direction in flight?

    If not, I would get rid of set mirrored and not mirrored for the bullet. As you spawn it from T80 it should already face the right direction.

  • Finally got around to playing and rating all the games listed here,, as well as leaving comments where appropriate, what a great bunch of little bundles of fun!

    Thanks all for the comments on my game too, I just hope next time I'll have a little more time to spend on it!

  • In my opinion the flash and fade behaviours work pretty well for this. You can flick them on and off very easily and you can change the speed of the fade or flash too.

    For instance, for flickering lights you can either assign the light the flash property or just give the fade a very fast time.

    Hope this helps!

  • I was very short on time but I managed to cobble together a little something : ... &uid=40340

    Great to see so many C2 entries, will have to go through and vote on them!

  • As promised, I added one of your music tracks to my latest tutorial on TD expansion, ( ... et-defence ) it works rather well! Again, thank you for releasing these. and I shall no doubt use them again in the future.

  • Just about finished my last tutorial in time so I'm looking forward to my first LD48.

    Have fun all!

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  • Thanks very much! Always good to hear from those who are finding my tutorials useful!

    It does take a lot of time to place them all and align them, and it does mean you have loads of instances of the sprite objects, but it does mean the whole thing works much better than a single sprite in regards events and especially collisions.

  • Another possible way to do it, though time consuming, is to divide the track sprites up into straights and turns, make a family out of them and piece them together to 'build' the track. That way, there will only be collision on track pieces.

  • Aha fair enough. Im pretty sure there is an effect on mouseover that covers what you want, but the name escapes me, apologies.

  • I believe there is an effect that can help you, but is there any reason you don't want to use frame switching when the cursor is over the sprite? It is quite simple to make.

  • Right now im working solo in my free time, using various open source assets found online and providing the credit for them as necessary. Im happy making my little tutorials and basic games right now.

    However, once I've increased my understanding of C2 I would probably look to join a team. Its all about what works for you.

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  • There is a pathfinding behaviour, but I don't think it would work for this.

    I think a good way to do it would be to create waypoints for each character. Each waypoint is an invisible block. Every time the character hits a waypoint, direct him to the next one. You can use simulate control on a platformer or a custom movement behaviour to make this work.

    Would you like me to go into more detail on this method?

    EDIT : Caiorosisca also gives a good option for you to use.

  • I just had a quick look through your site and there is so much on offer here, I'm sure I can find some great fits for my tutorials, and of course I will credit you and your website where I use them. Crediting people that provide assets is my Golden Rule.

    Massive thanks for your generosity.