Here's a new plugin which combined Radio buttons and Checkbox buttons.
I hope it helps you to make some incredibles projects
I have plenty of plugins ideas as well as ideas for new options to add to those are already released, I stay open to all your ideas. I share these plugins with you, so don't be affraid to make me improve some of them
Radio & CheckBox
Version: 1.14 (21/01/2013) .
Tried in Internet Explorer 9.0.3 / Opera 11.51 / Chrome 15.0.874 (issue) / Safari 5.1.2 (issue) / Firefox 8.0 / Mobile Safari (iOS 4)
Download RadioCheckbox.rar
By default, the Radio & CheckBox plugin sets on Radio Single Type. The separator is '//' and the font color is black. For the moment, the plugin can't set another font than Arial, but it will be add in the next versions.
Type ? Choose between 'Radio Single', 'Radio List', 'Checkbox Single' or 'Checkbox List'.
It directly influences the aspect in Construct 2.
Here are Checkbox List and Radio List aspect. Because I used special characters for the square and the circle, let me know if you have font issues please.
Here are Checkbox Single and Radio Single aspect.
Text ? Write here the text of your button(s). For list types, you can separe each line by a separator which you can set in the Separator property. e.g. Henry//John//Alison (// is the separator).
Separator ? Set the separator that you want to use in the Text property.
As default: //
Tooltip ? Set the text of the tooltip.
Enabled ? Choose wether the Radio & Checkbutton is enabled or disabled on startup.
It directly influences the aspect in Construct 2
Font color ? Choose color for the font.
z-Index ? Set the z-Index for this instance. (To go to front or to back of other objects)
Change tooltip ? Set or change the text of the tooltip.
Disable all lines ? Disable all lines of the list. Only works with List type object.
Enable all lines ? Enable all lines of the list. Only works with List type object.
Check all lines ? Check all checkboxes of the list. Only works with Checkbutton List type object.
Uncheck all lines ? Uncheck all lines of the list. Set to '0' for Single Type objects.
Change text(text, ID) ? Change the text of the line by its ID. Set to '0' for Single Type objects.
Disable a line(ID) ? Disable a line by its ID. Set to '0' for Single Type objects.
Enable a line(ID) ? Enable a line by its ID. Set to '0' for Single Type objects.
Check a line(ID) ? Check a line by its ID. Set to '0' for Single Type objects.
Uncheck a line(ID) ? Uncheck a line by its ID. Set to '0' for Single Type objects.
isChecked ? If a line is checked on the list, true is return.
isEnabled ? If a line is enabled on the list, true is return.
getIDChecked ? Return a string corresponding to the ID of the actual checked line. Only works with Radiobutton List type object.
getLabel(ID) ? Return the text of a line by its ID. Set to '0' for Single Type objects.
getNumberChecked ? Return the total number of checked line.
TODO List for this plugin.
- Add font properties.
- Improve the visual side of the plugin (in Construct 2).
- A french version.
Let me know your suggestions, requests and corrections (as about language) as well as any bug report.