Sean Noonan's Forum Posts

  • Sorry that I never got around to putting up a capx, however this issues has now been resolved thanks to "Low-resolution fullscreen scaling" in the latest version. If I set Fullscreen Scaling to low quality, tiled backgrounds and 9 patch are fixed.

    The only remaining issue it seems is that pixels on 9 patch become slightly blurred if WebGL is enabled...

  • Finally got around to making a video of Jack B. Nimble...


  • Thanks everyone!

    Yea this is cool, didn't work on my iPhone tho which is a shame..

    Yes, especially as the controls/whip mechanic were built for iPhone!

    I will look into updating it in the next week or so - I'm not sure why I have so many compatibility issues. I'm convinced it's due to preloading the audio...

  • I have completed my first Construct 2 project! Hurrah!

    Jack B. Nimble

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0"> <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0"> <img src="" border="0">

    Available here.

    It was pretty smooth going outside of the compatibility issues with browsers that aren't Chrome or Safari - the rendering was often a little off (as seen in a thread I still need to respond to), Firefox would stop playing sounds after a few seconds and the project refuses to even load in Internet Explorer... but actual project creation went great.

    I'm thinking I might expand upon this if the reaction is positive and I'll attempt to get it up on Scirra Arcade or Kongregate or something to make use of an online score board that doesn't leave my web server open to attack ;)

    Let me know what you guys think!

  • I scale it either using the letterbox integer fullscreen method or use the scale action.

    Basically any method of scaling seems to cause problems.

  • Another thing I have noticed is that tile objects and 9patch also become slightly blurred if WebGL is enabled...

  • Set Pixel Rounding to 'Yes', sampling to 'Point', and fullscreen mode to 'letterbox integer scale'.

    These are the settings I am using. I tried letterbox integer fullscreen and still had the same problems.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Please bear in mind, this is only happening when the project is scaling in any way - if I leave Fullscreen in browser to 'Off' then there are no problems at all. Every browser has the same visual quality (the performance varies however).

    It seems only Chrome is able to scale correctly :(

  • It seems to be browser based - any ideas?

    <img src="" border="0">

    Link to fullsize image

    I have the project scaled up by x2 - that seems to be the cause of this...

  • Jack B. Nimble!

    <img src="" border="0" />

    It's for the second Game Boy Jam :)

  • A Vine of the intro for my game, "Jack B. Nimble":

  • A Vine of my progress for the Game Boy Jam:

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    I started the gameboy jam early for... reasons, but I will finish early too :)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • So I have a bunch of AI in a layout and I'd like them to be aware of each other and their state.

    For example, I have two AI's in a room. One AI spots me and becomes aware, should the other AI be in the vicinity/have line of sight on me, then they too will become aware.

    My problem is that I cannot fathom how to check if one enemy type sees an enemy type that is not itself. How do I check for this?

    I am basically wanting to script any AI that have line of sight to other AI to become aware.

    Any help on this matter would be super appreciated.

    I am sorry for the lack of capx - my project is now so monstrous and confusing I don't really think it would help.

  • You can it like this as well:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Super useful post - could this thread be moved to "How do I..."?