Sean Noonan's Forum Posts

  • Something I'm working on... early days yet.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

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  • I have a scenario where a solid is pathfinding between two points, however I want to ignore another solid that is near the ideal path between the two points, so that the solid doesn't attempt to avoid it.

    Here's the scenario:

    A guard is walking from point to point, but there is an explosive barrel alongside his path.

    Obviously I don't want him to path around it whilst he is patrolling (as I want to be able to shoot it and kill him). However I need the barrel to be solid so that nobody can walk through it.

    Any ideas?

    (Thanks in advance)!

    I've been using Construct 2 about a week now, so I'm new to pathfinding, etc. I'm also a first time poster here!