scidave's Forum Posts

  • Yep, I highly doubt Else will be removed. I think he just meant he wouldn't fix it.

    I guess the only alternative are to use the Function approach or Python is always an answer.

    With Python you can do a:

    If (Sprite.X = 50):

    do stuff....

    elif (Sprite.X = 100):

    do more stuff


    this is the fall back case...

    I think at least one high priority on fixing bugs is to make Python support as integrated as possible so we can do workarounds. Of course, that is just my opinion.

  • I found a cool example from Rojohound on RTS and pathmovement and chasing a player using LOS.

    I wanted to use something similar for the network demo I'm making so I added a couple of instances of the player and it completely breaks LOS detection?

    However, when I destroy the original sprite then everything works fine. Is there a way to keep the original sprite and still have correct LOS?

    It requires Rojohound's path movement plugin.

  • Whenever I try to run any game in construct, it gives this error:

    This is very generic. Will an event sheet with only one sprite in it crash? Only one event?

    Are you using .99.84?

    Can you post the .cap of a program causing the crash?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • The project looks nice and it is a wrapper on hawkNL which is good. Only bad thing is it hasn't been developed since 2007 so I don't know what state it is in.

    p.s. With three years of dev from 2004- 2007 it might actually be robust! Good find.

  • He didn't have the Python Libraries installed, so it caused his game to crash.

    There is a big popup when you enable scripting and build and exe that says to copy over the python26.dll into the game directory. I'm not sure how much more of a warning can be given. Technically, you shouldn't need the Python libraries installed. Just copy the Dll over.

    However, either way I agree it would be helpful if the error message stated that Python could not be found.

  • I ran your .cap in .99.84 and it seemed to work fine for me.

    What exactly is the problem? Are you using .99.84? ... e/download

  • Can you post a simple .cap that triggers the problem for you? Maybe it is an existing bug?

    Also, you should try your .cap out with the latest unstable build .99.84:

  • Very useful info about the "Is sprites visible" part. I didn't know that. Thanks.

  • Two other thing that Construct can't do:

    "Construct can lead a horse to water, but can't make him drink".

    "Construct can't drop-kick Chuck Norris"

    I feel like I made my contribution for today.

  • I really wanted to like this new version, but just couldn't get into it.


    1. Inventory system was a nice touch. Definitely needed for game.

    2. Bringing materials to build armor was good too.


    1. Stairs just don't look right when they spawn. It looks kinda messy. Maybe if you could limit them spawning overlapping stairs.

    2. The movement and talking system was downright annoying. I found myself constantly talking to some guy that I didn't want to.

    3. Spawning system seemed odd and sometimes I just couldn't pick up items.

    Too answer your questions:

    1. There isn't really an actual game here. It is just a demo of different interesting platformer/RPG elements so it isn't fun!! It could be very fun, but it needs to actually be made into a game first (like one short level).

    2. No. It has potential, but you need to actually make one full level before asking that question.

    3. Too soon to say.

    Based on what I have seen you have the game programming/building skills to make a sellable game. The "game" is just to rough to be asking the questions you are asking.

  • It's a bug. Hopefully Rojohound can come to the rescue and fix it!

  • Very nicely done tutorial. Looking forward to many more.

    On the graphics front, there are a bunch of places on the internet that offer free for non-commercial use graphics (assuming you give citation). I'm sure you will find plenty of free graphics to re-work the tutorial.

  • I think it is great that you are spreading Construct out to other users and getting more publicity for Construct. That can't be a bad thing. It would be nice if you actually mentioned Construct in bold when you are selling it. You seem like a reasonable guy. Heck, you can put together a nice package of everything and make it easier for people to use it (just be straightforward about what you are doing).

    However, you have a poor attitude about this whole thing and you are going about selling this all the wrong way.

    1. There are probably some license issues with selling Construct, who knows....

    More importantly:

    2. If you are going to use other people's games as advertisements or part of your product it is courtesy to ask for permission (copyright or no copyright explicitly listed). Since Deadeye never explicitly said it was fine to use his game image you should give courtesy. I'm sure people would not have had any issue if you simply asked. Of course, they may have issue now.

    It doesn't really matter if you are doing this to help Construct, for fun, or whatever... you still need to ask permission to use other people's work.

  • Very nice addition! Thanks for creating and sharing.

  • Guyon.. prepare your quarters!

    Finally got the four player version working thanks to Rojohound and newt. With this version you can select between 2 or 4 players on the server.

    Please test it out, since I can't test the 4 player version that well. It is a demo, so there are a few quirks.. but as long as the main functions work right is what I'm interested in.


    Update: Tested the 4 player version seemed pretty decent on the Lan. I'm going to build one more example game as part of the tutorial then will start on the writing. I want to build a game that is slower but with more players to show off the strong points of the library and give better usage ideas.