Schoening's Forum Posts

  • oh yes. I was thinking of implementing a 3d engine to use. Not for full 3d, but to use a s buildings from a top down view. A few other environmental objects. heck even rotating. but if your on top of it. You rock :)

    Are you using a 3d engine or is this custom 3d code?

    I am using a 3D Library called THREE JS. So that I do not have to deal with WEBGL code.

    And then all that happens on the screen is by me. Check the Source Code.

    There are big limitations to 3D in WebGL.

    JavaScript is running via JIT complilers and this is far slower then Complied code. And I guess being such a "Advanced" language does not help either :)

    And Webgl does not use Geometry Instancing (at least not to my knowledge).

    So limit your units! And Polygons!

    I am actually still baffled how Construct 2 gets such a high framerate..

    I made stress test with the THREE JS Library and I end up with roughly 2000 Planes (or Cubes). And the WebGL demo:

    Gets me around 4000!


  • Great , it looks totally 3D for me, Good one.

    That's coz it is 3D :p

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hehe Yep :p

  • Yeah Np, ill add that to the next thing

  • that looks awesome :)

    Thanks :P

    Gonna to some top down game with it next, and enemy damage.

    Aaand then I have to learn how to do an OctQuadtree.......

  • I read in a programming blog that a lot of coders work late, because their brain is slower at that point and they can force it through a lot of their work without being distracted.

    I usually work best at 9am-1pm and then again at 6pm.

    For me, creating something that works keeps me going!

    But I havent been using C2 for a very long time, perhaps it's different if you create games in a text editor.

  • I haz done good <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle"> ?

    Finally sat down and learned how to do Collision Detection!

  • Do you feel my pain?

    What would be a good approach? Objects in this game move, so how would I keep them in the right order?

    Right now I am thinking of some hackish, loop that checks all objecs Y position.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • FIXED.

    Didn't realize the FOR loop was Zero Based

  • Okay.. this time I am missing one line of Tiles..

    <img src="" border="0">

    Supposed to be 18x18

    The obj count shows the right amount of tiles though, and you can see one tile in the top.

    I don't think the problem is on the serverside, so check out the capx if u want:

  • Cheers, Ill try that out in the morning.

    I might be able to reverse it.

    It's going to get information from my Server. And i don't want the server grid to be "mirrored".

    At the start of the layout the server sends the entire 2D grid to the player.

    I think I can solve this by sending the 2D grid in reverse. That way it would be spawned in the right overlap order.

    Assuming the UID value is set at that point

  • Because the sprites are overlapping in the wrong order I need to select each one of them.

    This test does not work. The sprites are unaffected...

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Cheers :)

  • Alright.. I am trying to do this:


    var array = [];

    for(var x = 0; x < 18; x++){

        array[x] = [];

        for(var y = 0; y < 18; y++){

            array[x][y] = ["Data"];



    But I am having trouble with this in Construct2!

    I am trying to do a FOR LOOP inside another FOR LOOP, y'know.. Like when you spawn a grid of tiles.

    But the trouble right now is that I need to declare X, Y and Z positions to set the Data of an Array. But putting the loop names does not do the trick.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Because one of the plugins didnt work as I wanted it to, I actually started to program from scratch!

    Arg! Construct2 is the starter drug for programming!

    Small start of my Game