So I know this article is a bit old by now, but it still made me smile because it looked so fanboyish..
So one of the things he said was that Actionscript beats the V8 by around 3x speed and that JavaScript cant handle much because it has to be compiled at runtime.
The article did rustle my jimmies a little though.. Personally I love the web, no plugins and access from as many platforms as possible, which is why I think JavaScript is great.
But I wont disagree that as a scripting language it is slower, hopefully the it will get updated and Hardware will keep getting more powerful!
He finishes with:
So, let us stop worrying about JavaScript, and aim higher. As we focus on gaming, ActionScript programs will require significantly better optimizations for performance. ActionScript has just the right DNA mix for success, and it will become the 21st century language it could always be.
But anyways, lets beat this Horse! I think I saw it twitching.
I want to hear your opinions on his article and -if there are any- examples of Good looking 3D flash?
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