Schoening's Forum Posts

  • Ofc not Ashley :)

    I just want to know where the Free one is Located so I can tell people in my Tutorial ! xD


  • Hm.. I really can't seem to find the Bundle anywhere but with the Link that I got from my Licence

  • Hi,

    I have a weird problem here...

    I have a deep branched Event system.

    And the first time you hover your mouse over the Installer Object, there is a delay of about 1.5 seconds!

    But after you have hovered over it once, it works fine...

    Why would that be?

    Also, Here is the Same Event, but without the deeper branches: (It goes faster the first time)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thanks Yanen :)

    The Audio works for me, I just click the file and save as.

    But I can't seem to figure out the Sprite Bundles.. The Download Link is just Construct2..

  • I am writing a C2 tutorial in C2 (inception!)

    I don't want to mess up here, do people need to purchase a licence before they get any of the game assets provided by scirra?

    I got a big .rar file, but that was after I bought the software :)


  • I am working on a big interactive Tutorial for a Competition.

    I will use this topic to update my progress frequently.

    The Competition is hosted by and I hope you will vote for me.

    (If you like my Tutorial!)

    The tutorial will explain the aspects of basic game creation, with a large interactive tutorial. Covering Basic Construct2, using plugins and behaviours, multiplayer, as well as Gimp2, Paint, Blender, using Creative Commons free game assets such as Sprites, Models, sounds and music.

    Maybe more that I can't think of at 2am <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Update 22-09-2012

    I have created the 3D Modelling Reference of The Main Character in the Tutorial + Game:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Folders and Stuff included into the Tutorial, but not worth Showing Off I feel :), it just distracts me from creating the model I think ^^


    Update 2.5:

    After Compulsively looking for errors I feel the editor is now Decent enough for me to move on to some other more fun parts of the Tutorial!

    Update 2.5



    Quick Update!

    The "Construct2 Interface" has now become so realistic that I keep confusing it with the actual one :D


    Update 2:

    Working on the in Browser Interface Guide + Construct 2 Game Creatior! Trust me.. That takes time <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Try to click on different parts of the C2 Interface (You have to "create a new project" first).

    Update 2

    Far from done of course !

    Cya later !

    <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">



    Update 1:

    Edit: Updated the size of explosions to be relative to the size of the Spider_Bots.

    So I decided to rebuild it because it was confusing inside the event sheet ^^   

    I added a small Shooter.

    Try out the sliding until you reach what I have added so far.

    Update 1 (edited)


    Part 1:

    I am working on the Construct2 Introduction, including<font size="1">(but not limeted to)</font> Downloading Construct2.

    Here is a Funky little piece, when you are about to install the Software:




    Updating Soon !

  • Thx, thx

  • Yay ... xD But where! xD

  • Hm..

    I have been doing it wrong!

  • Hey, just wondering, when I bought C2, I think it said something about sprite bundles, and sounds etc?

    Where are those located?

    Or did I misread about FREE STUFF ? <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I know I am probably late on this.. But when did TextBoxes change so that they went on to the next line when they ran out of space?

    <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Did I live under a rock ?

  • Yo, thx. Just wanted to make sure I could run two :) I was sure I could.. but better safe then sorry

  • Hey, I want to do a simple tutorial with C2. Step by Step, with the Free Version.

    Would installing a second one in a different directory have any effect on my current licensed one?

    No right? Construct2 does not have that superpower :p ?

  • Ahh, well thx for some info :p

    As it stands now, I consider more.

    And the ads on my website ^^

  • Thx for the Reply ^^

    Btw.. Is only javascript needed for ?