ScarlieGem's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
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  • I just want an ai that is able to chase the player until the player is either unreachable or dead anywhere in a 2d platformer environment, someone gave me a template on discord but it only takes the shortest path using the pathfinding behavior and walks and jumps towards the nodes instead of calculating the proper path, which i know is going to be hard

  • oh yeah btw, i don't want it to be infinite, i want it to have borders, kinda like terraria but a top down enviroment

  • Uhh i dont think it's running every tick but i can check, also moving the world towards the player??

    That's new

  • I wasn't gonna do this but my god it lags a lot due to there having tons of objects for trees and other features on my procedural world.

    I have a Tilemap for the background which doesn't really lag at all

    The only thing that lags after the game generates trees and rocks.

    This is how it looks, the room is 5000x5000 and it generates all of the tiles/features all at one, which isn't very good for performance.

    This is all my code.


  • Late but i managed to get it working by overlaying 2 perlin noises with different seeds on top of each other, one for the land and other for the biomes, and a fully random noise one to generate features like trees and rocks

    take a look:

    I thought this would be miles harder but ig i was fairly wrong.

  • I've tried a few tutorials and such but all i got was a simple world with land and water, which is not what i need.

    Here is a simple example of how i want it too look

    Any help is appreciated!

  • Well um, the thing i'm doing isn't rly tile based, i'm going to make different angle roads for the pathfinders walk through, the tiles on the sides are just the turret bases that i used.

  • Hello again.

    I'm having an issue where the pathfinder objects are cutting corners too much when at a higher speed, any recommended settings for the pathfinder behavior that i should use?

    Or any solution in general.

  • Oooo i see, might work, imma try

  • Hii, so i'm here to ask if there is a better way of making a pannel with a bunch of instances pinned to it, move into the screen, what im doing is basically a button that whenever you click it, it toggles the pannel from appearing on screen.

    I've been using the pin behaviour and lerp() to make the pannel appear on the screen.

    Is there a better way of doing this?

    Example image:


  • GUYS, i managed to do what i wanted :D, thanks for the help anyways.

    It works just fine now ^^

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  • I know that the way you have the code set up isn't picking things correctly.

    Like, if you had a player sprite and a block sprite, and when the player touches any block, it destroys the block. It doesn't destroy ALL the blocks, just the one you touch. That's because when you have the event "When Player collides with Block" it picks the specific player that touches the specific block. That's why only that block is destroyed.

    So notice that your code says "if any characters have a line of sight to any characters" essentially. You need to add another condition that weeds out stuff that you don't want.

    i managed to do this, and it works like you explained, it doesn't check if any or all, it checks for each one of them, now i gotta find a way to "invert" this code and check if there is no insance of characters on sight.

    also thanks your tips are simple but they are helping me figure out stuff by bits faster than i'd be able to do if i tried by myself.

  • Hi, that is what i've been trying, i got something to work but i can't get the "

    " to work, it constantly changes to the "fight" state if any of them is seeing each other, no matter how far they from each other.

  • Oh ye, this might also help you guys understand what i want to do and maybe point out what i'm doing wrong.

  • 15 posts