Hey guys
Im building a Modular Neural Network in C2 to help me understand the logic behind "anns".
I want to build neural networks in C# in the future so i thought it would be a great lesson for me to start with visualizing the process with the C2 engine.
In the video below im testing the MPU "memory processing unit" (purple) throughput to the population (Yellow Brick)
Because its all modular, i can add new of each element to build more complex "brain" logic when needed.
I hope i figure out all the logic behind Neural Networks by doing this.
But for the meantime im already very happy with these results.
(im aware of
rexrainbow 's "ann" plugin, but using that would not tell me the clockwork that makes neural networks tick )
And i want to learn the magic
Have any tips?
Please do share them
Kind regards