savvito123's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    4 players join and wait 10 seconds for the game to start.

    If 2 players leave before the 10 seconds and join back , sometimes the system not create their players and the game starts but the players are missing.

    Short video show my issue.

    My question is, this is normal to happen or is something wrong from my part?

  • Using filechooser and ajax plugins.

    User using filechooser choose a picture and with ajax send it to database.

    Other users retreive the database and can see the picture.

    My database picture row is set to text and right now users can store Facebook URL and show it to everyone get the database.

    So how i can send a picture from filechooser to database?

  • I didnt use mysql before so i dont know the differnces, I just remember i watch some tutorials with mysqli (not the one you watch) and didnt work. After that i read how to update from mysql to mysqli and the codes start working.

  • MySQL is the old database driver, and MySQLi is the Improved driver. The "i" stands for "improved" so it is MySQL improved. MySQLi can be done procedural and object-oriented whereas MySQL can only be used procedurally. Mysqli also supports prepared statements which protect from SQL Injection

    I remeber i was trying for something with sql but didnt happen , after i change to sqli worked.

  • Its n action and its execute at any way.

    If you check in debug mode you will see that if you typewrite "hello world" in 5 seconds , at next click the text is "hello world" and not "h".

    If you want to stop the typewritting on timescale = 0 just set the text to spritefont.text but then when you set the timescale to 1 you have to re-typewritting from start.

    I didnt found any way to continue the typewritting.

  • When i was reading last year for this i found out that you need mysqli instead of mysql.

    I have some leaderboards running in my games and i gave an answer to this topic if it helps you

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  • Not necessary to be in one layout.

    At "menu" layout just send the players to the "game" layout with not involve multiplayer connection.

    When a player navigated to the "game" layout connect him to the signaling server.

    After that logged in him with an alias.

    And finally on logged in join him to a room.

    So everything has to deal with multiplayer object connection must done at "game" layout.

    Thats all.

  • Players and peers are the same thing.

    How many players can join the room?

    Do you navigate players to another layout for start game or in the same layout the start button is?

    Multiplayer is too complex,its not only to send some players at same room.

  • Thank you guys...

  • Hello,

    Here is how friends join the same room but they have to share the code each other.

    Create a TextInput object and a button.

    On button pressed and textinput compared text is not equal to "" -> Join Room

    Game = "whatever"

    Instance = "whatever"

    Room = TextInput.text

    All the players have the same code they connect to same room.

  • My problem is with spawn part.

    On start of layout i spawn 5 sprites at -144 Y and X 0 144 288 etc.

    When this sprites Y is greater than 0 i spawn another 5 sprites at 0 Y but it seems that some of New sprites leave a small spacing for the older sprites while they moving down.

  • Happy new year everyone.

    Layout size 720 x 1280

    Grid size 144x144

    5 sprites 144x144 in each row.

    Im trying to spawn unlimited sprites from up and moving down.

    All my attempts leave some space between the sprites at high speed.

    So Im looking for the best way.

  • Share a screenshot please.

  • left(YOURTEXT.Text,len(YOURTEXT.Text)-1)

  • Ok, I dont think so you can make that by change the variables number.

    You have to change how the number looks like by changing the text.

    Changing the text does not matter of what number you have , suppost you have $1000 and you add $5500 the variable go to $6500 at anyway , now you have to to edit how the text will show that.

    We gave you some examples allready.

    You have to check whenever the number is 5 6 7 8 etc digit and use the examples.

    Here is an example can show 999.999.999 if you want billion you have to add another line of code.