savvito123's Forum Posts

  • Here is what i use in one of my top down game.

    Controller, joypad and emptyjoypad are at the same position at the left of the screen and its for moving the player.

    Controller2, joypad2 and emptyjoypad2 are at the same position at the right of the screen and its for the players angle.

    Emptyjoypad is exist so user if they drag the controller small distance the player dont move,so you can remove it if you want the player start moving immediately.

  • Sounds that you need Advance random Behavior.

    I never use it but if you check manual its that you want.


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  • You can monitor anything you want by add a text field temporarily in your layout.

    Also is a little strange browser act different from mobile device.

    Maybe you save a data on way before final export ?

    Try clear all the local storage and try it again with browser.

  • Try for each sprite -> boolean is true -> spawn projectile.

    After that set boolean to false to block continuously spawn.

  • Im not good with that but i think the include event sheet start first even if its down of some events.

    You have to deal with system -> set group active.

    So create a group with the update variable you want and set it active the time you want, also deactivate it "unchecked the active on start".

  • Hello,

    Trying to share some texts and a link i found an issue , im not sure is bug so please give me your lights.

    So, if a touch the share button open some apps "twiter , messenger , facebook etc" and you pick one to share.

    If i choose the messenger and hit send, the texts and link are send, but if i choose facebook the texts are missing and i post only the link.

    Also i have to double touch the share button to work this( i dont know if this is happen because i try it through remote preview)

    Is there any solution on touch button instead of open apps to choose , open only the facebook direct to post?

  • You change layout , did you add/create a playerBox at the next layout?

  • Its working on me.

  • First of all compare 2 things "GOLD_MAKER.count => 1" then add a sub event "every 1 second" -> Add GOLD_MAKER.count to GOLD variable.

  • Lets say you have 10 GOLD_MAKER ,you want every 1 second to add the total amount of GOLD_MAKERs to the players GOLD var?

    If is that you are trying to do you can add every 1 second the "GOLD_MAKER.Count" to the players var.

  • Well, everytime I make a game I add a string variable and I add all the words I need there and I retrieve it using tokenat.

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  • Hello ,

    Just exercise with Share Object and i notice if i share through Fb Messenger , "Text" and "Link" are working, but when i try to share it via Facebook app as a post the "Link" is working but the "Text" is missing.

    What i missing here?


  • If sprite1 not overlapping sprite2.

    Or add a boolean variable to sprite1 and turn to false if is overlap the sprite2, then compare variable.