SamRock's Forum Posts

  • I have made three updates t this post along with screenshots. Again, I am unable to say at what moment this starts happening. But I will keep close watch now

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  • zenox98 Ia m sorry, I have no clue how this happened!!

    The submit failed few times (the usually "Out of resource" message, and it takes me to your hosting site),

    I just pressed refresh. I must have done it couple of times without knowing its already posted.

    Please delete the rest and keep this one only, because I found the issue and have mentioned the possible cause too.

    Its a very rare and random issue that hasnt occurred in 2 years of my usage of C2. I will try to keep track if it occurs again



    I noticed that there was a backup file ( HPNV2.capx.capx.backup1) made at 4:00AM (few moments before I went to sleep, yes that how much work I did on this). I renamed it to .capx, and found all my lost progress! Thank God!!

    So now its clear that when I reopen the project the next day, its somehow replace save from the AutoSave file('HPNV2.capx.capx.autosave' saved at 11:00PM, previous night)! I am not sure how to reproduce this error.


    Problem Description

    I been using C2 for 2 or more years and never had this issue. I am working on a new game, I work all day so keep my C2 project open and keep saving my game every now and then. When I put my laptop to sleep/shutdown and start the next day, all my changes are GONE!!! I mean, several hours of work just disappeared. Initially I thought its a one time thing, but then It happened again today morning! All my work from yesterday is gone! How can this be possible?

    Are you guys replacing OLD AUTO SAVE FILES into latest saved file?

    Please look into it.. I feel like giving up.

    I also periodically get this strange error message. I have never seem this before

    UPDATE #2

    Here is a new Error message I got

    UPDATE #3

    After a while, C2 is saving my project as .autosave instead of .capx! My original project file hasnt been saved for several hours, instead its been saving it

    HPNV4.capx.capx.autosave. See screenshot

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3 etc.

    Observed Result

    Progress is lost when I open a saved project the next day

    Expected Result

    Save project properly. Dont replace with old autosave files may be?

    Affected Browsers

    • NA
    • NA
    • NA

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID

    C2 r246

    • Post link icon

    Problem Description

    I been using C2 for 2 or more years and never had this issue. I am working on a new game, I work all day so keep my C2 project open and keep saving my game every now and then. When I put my laptop to sleep/shutdown and start the next day, all my changes are GONE!!! I mean, several hours of work just disappeared. Initially I thought its a one time thing, but then It happened again today morning! All my work from yesterday is gone! How can this be possible?

    Are you guys replacing OLD AUTO SAVE FILES into latest saved file?

    Please look into it.. I feel like giving up.

    I also periodically get this strange error message. I have never seem this before

    (U still dont have an upload image option???. now I have to look for a image uploader site! will do this later)

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3 etc.

    Observed Result

    Progress is lost when I open a saved project the next day

    Expected Result

    Save project properly. Dont replace with old autosave files may be?

    Affected Browsers

    • NA
    • NA
    • NA

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID

    C2 r246

    • Post link icon

    Problem Description

    I been using C2 for 2 or more years and never had this issue. I am working on a new game, I work all day so keep my C2 project open and keep saving my game every now and then. When I put my laptop to sleep/shutdown and start the next day, all my changes are GONE!!! I mean, several hours of work just disappeared. Initially I thought its a one time thing, but then It happened again today morning! All my work from yesterday is gone! How can this be possible?

    Are you guys replacing OLD AUTO SAVE FILES into latest saved file?

    Please look into it.. I feel like giving up.

    I also periodically get this strange error message. I have never seem this before

    (U still dont have an upload image option???. now I have to look for a image uploader site! will do this later)

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3 etc.

    Observed Result

    Progress is lost when I open a saved project the next day

    Expected Result

    Save project properly. Dont replace with old autosave files may be?

    Affected Browsers

    • NA
    • NA
    • NA

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID

    C2 r246

    • Post link icon

    Problem Description

    I been using C2 for 2 or more years and never had this issue. I am working on a new game, I work all day so keep my C2 project open and keep saving my game every now and then. When I put my laptop to sleep/shutdown and start the next day, all my changes are GONE!!! I mean, several hours of work just disappeared. Initially I thought its a one time thing, but then It happened again today morning! All my work from yesterday is gone! How can this be possible?

    Are you guys replacing OLD AUTO SAVE FILES into latest saved file?

    Please look into it.. I feel like giving up.

    I also periodically get this strange error message. I have never seem this before

    (U still dont have an upload image option???. now I have to look for a image uploader site! will do this later)

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3 etc.

    Observed Result

    Progress is lost when I open a saved project the next day

    Expected Result

    Save project properly. Dont replace with old autosave files may be?

    Affected Browsers

    • NA
    • NA
    • NA

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10

    Construct 2 Version ID

    C2 r246

  • SamRock

    Thank you for your plugin and article!) But you right, I also have a low fill rate in my games, unfortunately this is a problem for all developers who use Microsoft Ads. I hoped that with the appearance of interstitial banners and mediation something will change, but the fill rate is still bad.

    It would be cool to use ads from Adduplex and video ads from Vungle they have a good fill rate and their SDK is recommended by Microsoft, but unfortunately they do not support winjs

    I think in such conditions it makes sense to do only paid games without ads for Windows using Construct2.

    I agree, and the funny part is MS is collaborating with few Ad networks and mediating ads automatically. Still their still rates are bad.

    I m considering switching to Paid app as well.

  • Thanks man!



    The article is up: ... titial-ads

    Please note that my inspite of having 1000s of Ad request the fill rate for MS Ads is below 0.5%!!!! Its very bad, I contacted support and they have no clue what to do. They openly admitting that they got no advertisers <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

  • Hi SamRock

    I'm trying to install on the PC with windows 10. On game page there is no "install" button only it is written that the "game is no longer available". I am in Russia, maybe you not distribute the game to Russia?

    Thank you for bringing this to my notice. I used teh defalt setting to publish my game and never knew Russia was excluded. Now I submited again with Russia selected. Could you please check if you able to install it now?

    Today I am drafting an article on using the new Plugin I modified. Should be update in few hours.

  • radbrothers

    Thats strange! Which OS are you using? Teh update I released was or Windows 10.

    If you dont mind can you please post a screenshot here? I will check what the issue.

    Will publish the updated Plugin here shortly (probably tomorrow).

  • cranberrygame

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    Would love to have some updates on Admob (new Rewarded Ads), Chartboost not working, Adcolony updates

  • Thanks radbrothers and

    My update is online on Windows store ... zdncrfjl0g

    Please try it out and let me know if you can access it as well.

    Clicking 'FreeCoins', during gameplay clicking Free Ammo and Revive will play a Video ad

    After about 60 Seconds of gameplay when you reload level or click main menu icon the fullscreen Interstitial banner shows up.

    Don't forget to leave a nice review(really need it) <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    PS:I got rid of banner ads.

  • Hello my fellow Windows developers!








    I have "enhanced" the pubCenter plugin to show the newly introduced "Banner Interstitial" by Microsoft Ad SDK!!! It works perfectly fine my my test environment. I am publishing an App update today to the store. Will let you know when its up and works fine.

    I will write an article and share the new Plugin with whole C2 community soon!

    Now wit my enhanced pubCenter plugin, you can show 1. Banner, 2. Rewarded Video Ads and 3. the newly introduced Interstitial Ads (called banner Interstitial by MS)

    Ashley , I have thoroughly tested the plugin, if we get a positive feedback from other members, I think you can release my update officially!

  • AaronSmithUK

    Thanks for the help, it worked for me. I was able to test it.

    I also copied your fix into the IAP plugin itself, now I dont need to copy paste the code everytime I export!

    Do you have any games on WIndows or any store? Would love to check them out and giving my rating as token of appreciation.

    My (small) bit to support a fellow dev

  • AaronSmithUK

    Thanks for the fix man! My project is working and not crashing anymore.

    But how to I make use of the "WindowsStoreProxy.xml" file?

    Where should I place it in the VS project folder?

    Do I have to add all my store IAPs into this file?

    Any help would be really great, I am only stuck at this point, everything is working well. FOr some reason C2 wants to make our lives miserable. Every update to our game is a nightmare!