saiyadjin's Forum Posts

  • i can understand the question, but it's pretty hard to translate

    OOP principles like inheritance, polymorphism and such to events and C2 engine, because that implies some heavy object handling and i think javascript is not really a fully OOP language (correct me if wrong), though i'd love to see some more combinations and control over families and objects. some optimizations might be achieved, and hopefully they will, but it takes a lot of testing and playing around with..

  • good programers read more then 1000 pages.

    bad programers just expect "stuff to happen", "everything to work" etc...

  • no, you just have to waste some time and brain to play around and export perfectly.

    i recommend visual studio 2015 (community version is free and comes with all android stuff and so on..)

  • you can buy my isometric game template and you get my game + assets + isometry & c2 advanced optimizations and usage tutorial, 40 pages of advanced stuff though... and how i build isometry game.

    other then that you can download scirras default tutorial for basics -

  • not really. like ashley said - if you build your apk / game for 5.0 or higher android which has a system webview that works good and supports WEBGL and so on... your games will work just fine. if you want less then 5.0 you have to use crosswalk which burdens performance by some weight and a bit of extra space. but it covers over 70% of androids, and 25% are 5.0+

    sooner or later all are going to be 5.0 + so it's just a matter of time. creating a native export could take about 2-3 years of coding, also GLHF with compatibilities and other inner craps that would arise then

    i'd stick with crosswalk, just make your game good and watch on the pitfalls and you're good to go. ios and windows phone are good to go so....

    and nw.js just got upgraded, and soon (When it leaves alpha) hopefully will work perfectly and performance is already 30% better

  • > android is still ****** with no webgl support


    Chrome for Android has supported WebGL since late 2013. Android 5.0+ supports it in the system webview so you don't need Crosswalk. Crosswalk exists solely for Android 4.0-4.4 compatibility, once those versions are out of use then we can drop it and its filesize overhead as well. In fact you can already publish without the filesize overhead today by targeting Android 5.0+ only. However especially given that Google recently increased the APK size limit to 100mb, using Crosswalk is well worth it for the compatibility with 4.0-4.4.

    The main problem with WebGL on Android is that Android devices often have poor quality drivers that are so susceptible to crashes that their GPU gets blacklisted. However the number of Chrome for Android phones that don't support WebGL halved between June 2014-June 2015. So it's already improving quickly.

    yes i know.. i wish it was somehow able to get rid of crosswalk for 4.0-4.4 version of android, because they are like 70% of droids, and 25% is >5.0, and all together that makes 95%. which would be a good coverage. But in the end it seems that you have to use crosswalk to cover the 70% of crosswalk and from what i've heard.. or read here on.. performance seems to be bad :/

    well gotta try it anyway some time later...

    and yes i know that after some time all the droids will be 5.0+ and we will be able to use system webview without crosswalk.

  • but it also says that android 5.0 doesnt' support webGL :

    i'm just wondering if arc could be a good runtime for android.. i think most of people today are 4.0+ though

  • also this guys...

    caught my eye

  • interestingly enough - ios8 now supports everything, and ios9 even more - i think no wrapper is really needed for ios, just a good build.

    and android is still ****** with no webgl support - but on android 6 i think they probably will have webgl support so we will be able to have games without some crazy *** wrappers. as much as i've seen currently cordova & crosswalk work good, but crosswalk is just +extra MBs which are gold for some.

  • hi guys,

    i've visited microsoft advanced days today and one of the topics was cordova and ionic apps.

    i've noticed that the lecturer used cordova and ionic to build some app and deploy it to android phone.

    after that he showed that you don't have to have ionic application, and visual studio has cordova app that can be deployed, directly to emulator, apk built, and signed and so on..

    so it got me intrigued - what if i add (which is easy) cordova plugins in my json file there, fix my index.html and add my html exported game there in files, can i build it to a cordova and make it all work without using any wrappers?

    what does that mean? does it start chrome browser then when ran on chrome? Ashley

  • i thought at least multiple render targets are gonna be usefull where you could draw one texture on multiple targets in single draw call.. maybe tiles could use this?

    also what about AA? multisampled buffers?

    and query objects? could that introduce culling in 2D?

  • canvas i think.

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  • badly. but it's good for focusing on mobile dev. mobile graphics are around that strong.

    compare ... 979.0.html

    and ... 784.0.html

  • hi,

    just a short question for Ashley

    is c2/c3 going to improve it's current export js file by updating it to support webgl2 ?

    i've noticed that chrome is almost ready for webgl2 and some neat things are upcoming. at least according by ... atest/2.0/

    and ... gl-20.html

    i've noticed some interesting things (if you could shed a light on them ashley that would be great <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> ):

    Multiple Render Targets

    Currently exposed through the WEBGL_draw_buffers extension. Allows a single draw call to write out to multiple targets (textures or renderbuffers) with a single draw call.

    Multisampled Renderbuffers

    Previously if you wanted your WebGL content to be antialiased you would either have to render it to the default backbuffer or perform your own post-process AA (like FXAA) on content you've rendered to a texture.

    3D Textures

    This feature is pretty self-explanatory. A 3D texture is essentially just a stack of 2D textures that can be sampled with X, Y, and Z coords in the shader. This is useful for visualizing volumetric data (like medical scans), 3D effects like smoke, storing lookup tables, etc.

    Sampler Objects

    Sampler objects allow you to store all the information about how to sample data from a texture separately from the texture itself, which becomes nothing but a container for the image data.

    Uniform Buffer Objects

    Setting shader program uniforms is a huge part of almost any WebGL/OpenGL draw loop. This can make your draw calls fairly chatty as they make hundreds or thousands of gl.uniform____ calls. Uniform Buffer Objects attempts to streamline this process by allowing you to store blocks of uniforms in buffers stored on the GPU (like vertex/index buffers). This can make switching between sets of uniforms faster, and can allow more uniform data to be stored.

    Sync Objects

    With WebGL today the path from Javascript to GPU to Screen fairly opaque to developers. You dispatch draw commands and at some undefined point in the future the results (probably) show up on the screen. Sync objects allow the developer to gain a little more insight into when the GPU has completed it's work. Using gl.fenceSync, you can place a marker at some point in the GPU command stream and then later call gl.clientWaitSync to pause Javascript execution until the GPU has completed all commands up to the fence.

    Query Objects

    Query objects give developers another, more explicit way to peek at the inner workings of the GPU. A query wraps a set of GL commands for the GPU to asynchronously report some sort of statistic about. For example, occlusion queries are done this way: Performing a gl.ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED query around a set of draw calls will let you detect if any of the geometry passed the depth test. If not you know the object wasn't visible and may choose not to draw that geometry in future frames until something happens (object moved, camera moved, etc) that indicates the geometry might have become visible again.

    there's much more.. just wondering when? & will it? improve performance of c2 and it's games, without native exportation ?

    thanks a lot

  • lol. well better get busy getting those 500 reps, because it's a waste of forum space this way <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    you can check how to get those points here:

    or add me on skype if you use it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">