Sagal's Forum Posts

  • I'm with 6Fix on this. As this is open topic and the post is fine imo so I don't see any problems ofc assuming it's not bot, after all you can decide not to check this topic or just don't care. AND there isn't Job Offers forum here so there's not really another place to post.

    -Seagull out kaww kaww

  • Ahh yes well...

  • its 720p = 1280X720 so it fits my screen and I have to say its fun game and I just love �when they speak xD

  • Telli and Mary Jane those both look awesome I hope I can use either one's in the beginning of my game?

  • I liked Crysis too as a game but I don't really get the fuss about the graphics they didn't look realistic at all imo, not saying it looks ugly but didn't like them very much. FC1 was great fun but I have feeling that this won't be specially good game.

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  • Rofl xD didn't get what PixelRebirth meant that you owned me but now I see xD xD

    PS. People if you are interested in the origins of the ideas for this err "joke" use the chat more

    -Sagal the Seagull (kaww kaww)

  • Ah great^^ this all will mark new era for Construct maybe even the Golden Era! (probably not). But good luck trying to get it done so it can be used to make over internet multiplayer games.

  • Sure deal

  • Okay hereby I present you construct launcher utility!

    I needed some utility that could easily download news and autoupdate game if I wanted (my upcoming game) so I made this little utility but well I thought that I might as well as share this with everyone else too.

    It does need some job making everything work so here's step by step instructions:

    1st Part: The uploading

    Open news.txt in Upload these folder and modify it to anything you'r heart desires and then open version.ini. Change the version= to whatever your update's going to be and I suggest you put it to 2 or something so we can test this later.

    After that change text following the instructions given there as example: Text=""

    Then change Image to something (not necessary at this point but go ahead and test example: Image="" !!!!!!!! IT MUST BE 1.JPG!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And then is the Update which would go like this : Update="" REMINDER the exe can be any name as it will be changed to leet.exe later (I will explain why )

    After these steps have been made you now upload version.ini, news.txt and sh1tz.exe to the place you told them to be in. (and the 1.jpg too if you changed it)

    Then modifying launcher's ini:

    1st. Open data folder and then launcher.ini. Then change version to whatever you want and remove my text so its only version=1 or 0 or whatever. (But different to the one we did in the version.ini so we can test it out)

    2st. Modify VersionDL (in same ini) to your URL which contains the version.ini as example: ""

    -------------------------Now you should be ready--------------------------

    Start launcher.exe and then it will ask for internet permission and you allow it (it will first probably say that couldn't connect but just wait a few seconds after you've given permission.)

    If it doesn't say anything and you can see your news.txt in the launcher everything is working then press update and it should check versions and if its different it will download new exe from your URL and put it into your update folder where it will be moved to same dir as launcher.

    That should be everything and its leet.exe cuz game.exe gave me weird error so atleast now it works

    PS USE FULL URLS! http etc.

    EDIT FORGOT To mention that full game must be in sh1tz.exe atleast thats the only part that is updated! I might upload the cap tomorrow if someone wants to modify it etc.

  • Okay thanks I got it modified with little help from your cap and now it works nicely and only takes 10mb or something similar. Don't know why I didn't think about this way before but oh well

  • that might actually work but well if over 100 bullets require that I think it will be more intense for cpu and gpu than single large but not sure

    NVM I now checked the code and Im gonna test if it works here

  • It's 3000X3000 and if you would kindly show me how to achieve same without plasma I would be pleased. Having plasma move with player doesn't work as it's offset from the hotspot and if I shoot weapons bullet's plasma trails will go at wrong place.

    So please tell me how and I still didn't get answer for my question

  • Yeah it was over internet... My connection is 10/2 so it should be fast enough for this (it's cable)

  • Holy **** I forgot this whole topic...

    (evil laugh = muahwhahahaha) Now I can resume stalking Soldjah and Deadeye and others who I find strangely interesting persons (Don't say I haven't given warning signals i'm a seagull after all)

    Kaww Kaww (yes seagulls make noice like that)

  • Worked ok when we tried with PixelRebirth though connection was laggy (might been my fault but can't be sure or PR's or the program itself) and yeah looking good so far though the game itself was a bit boring as ball didn't have any randominess (yes im fully aware that this is more like a technology demo)