Here's my new Chicken Pet Game on Google Play
szymek, thanks yeah I wasn't aware of the new .01 segment thing until I re-read the scirra tutorial. Thankfully I do have banner ads showing up now.
<img src="http://media1.giphy.com/media/T3Vx6sVAXzuG4/giphy.gif" border="0" />
anyone have any trouble with this lately? it doesn't seem to work with my latest app, in logcat i see the message "No inventory found for adunit" but I think I have everything configured correctly. I guess I'll give it some time and see if it just takes a while for inventory to start working
you might want to take a look at the magicam plugin for your zooming and scrolling needs scirra.com/forum/re-magicam-plugin-v143-betaupdated-12-10_topic41026.html
it's pretty awesome, i just found out about it
Thanks, yeah the game has some problems with it and I got a bit too busy (working on other projects) to go back and fix everything. My son does enjoy it too though it does work better on the iPad due to the small controls.
Nutzaboutpoker how did you become approved to be a Wii U developer?
Deivide yes there's some obvious similarities with Link to the Past (the best game ever) but I tried to vary it enough that it wouldn't be too similar
liaeb thanks, Bear ABC Quest is free so you don't need to purchase :)
RamPackWobble you're welcome :D
I've made a game with Construct 2 and have decided to release the art I made for it to public domain (attribution not required).
<img src="http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/e3/23/d6/e323d6c1-ce68-367d-d87d-95fb05715ed7/screen568x568.jpeg" border="0">
<img src="http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple4/v4/0f/c3/a7/0fc3a741-b585-b945-3929-0802edec607b/screen480x480.jpeg" border="0">
RPG Art Pack on OpenGameArt.org
This art was originally used in the game Bear ABC Quest:
App on iTunes App Store
App on Google Play
Ultima Online was probably my favorite childhood game
I still go back once in a while to this free server: uoforever.com
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Any Mario games
Here's a cool list of upcoming indie games in 2014: indiestatik.com/2014/01/01/indie-games-2014 (not all are 2D but there's some awesome stuff coming)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I've found more success with Android but I've also put in a lot more work into Android apps than iOS
1st, create a new layer at the top, maybe call it "UI"
2nd, set that new layers parallax setting to 0,0 (instead of the default 100,100)
Voila, the "UI" layer doesn't move while the rest of the game does
is this what you're looking for resvi?
Adventures of DaKoo
Insanity's Blade: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails
Just purchased your game. It's by far the best Construct 2 game I've seen yet, good job! Good luck with the greenlight on steam