C2 has half or less features of CC, and who cares? Desktop developers want native apps, they don't care about html5, js and how fast they are
C2 has easily more than half of CC's features - especially the relevant ones. A lot of the features that CC has that C2 doesn't are useless to most people (like the graph plugin or whatever). The fact that its lacking relevant features compared to CC isn't because it uses web tech but because it's much newer than CC and Ashley can only code so fast.
Also, a lot - and I mean, really a LOT of developers are interested in html5. Google, apple, Microsoft, intel, and tons of other huge names are backing it.
look at steam, every game is native.
Not true. If you reread my first post in this thread:
Html5 isn't some proprietary plugin like flash - it's part of the standard of the web as much as normal HTML is. It's not going anywhere. In addition, node webkit is an exe just as much as any other exe. There is a game on steam which uses it (game dev tycoon) and even has integration with steam's API. There's no reason not to use it.
Game dev tycoon uses node webkit, same as C2 does. It's on steam. There are also games made with flash on steam, which isn't native either.
I honestly don't understand what problem you have with the node webkit exe export then. If you don't care about the speed difference, and C2 can do almost all of what's relevant that CC could do, with almost all of the rest of it on the way, the games look and run exactly like other exes because they are in fact, actual exes that can be distributed on steam, what problem remains?