rublev1360's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for your reply PixelRebirth! I frankly think it's amazing this issue has so few attention. The way C2 games are being experienced by users is crucial; I spent months working on a game that looks terrible 'cause of ugly scroll-bars on both Chrome Store and Kongregate. Not happy.

  • Hey people, is there anyone that can help?

  • What I mostly used till 2011-2012:

    Pixel art: Graphics Gale, Grafx2

    Painting: ArtRage, Painter, Gimp

    General 2D: Gimp

    3D: Blender, Wings3D, SketchUp, Kerkythea Render

    Vectors: Inkscape

    DTP: Scribus

    What I mostly use right now:

    Pixel art: Grafx2

    Painting: Painter, Photoshop CC

    General 2D: Photoshop CC

    3D: Blender, SketchUp, Octane Render

    Vectors: Illustrator CC

    DTP: InDesign CC

    and generally what is included in the Adobe Creative Cloud

    I switched to Adobe because of precise job needing but I've got to say that for years I worked with open-source tools and software like Gimp and Inkscape is absolutely top quality and more than enough for game development related tasks. Blender then is an amazing professional software, I started using it with the 1.7 release and it kept getting better constantly.

  • removed stuff

  • I still hope someone will eventually answer about the scroll-bars issue in Chrome Store and Kongregate, in meantime I want to add a bit of info about the Spelunky borderless mode: Spelunky looks like that because it's not uploaded as an hosted app (like my Constructris and C2 games are) but as a packaged app. You can quite easily turn an hosted app into a packaged one and have it run borderless; I did it for Constructris in a couple of minutes and it worked just fine, it's a matter of editing some files.

    Google says there are issues though, because:

    * you can't update an hosted app to turn it into a packaged app and this means you must upload a new copy and get rid of the already uploaded one

    * even more important, packaged apps are still not compatible with macosx and linux so we should avoid them and stay with hosted apps

    All this info comes from a lot of research into the Google websites for developers.

    So, while we wait for packaged apps to become practical, can we know how to fix the scrollbars issue? Thanks! :)

  • I think it is also interesting to show the way Spelunky (made with Game Maker) looks when launched from the Chrome Store. I did put it side by side with the way Constructris (made with C2) looks.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Why is this happening? How can we have our games in Chrome Store shown like Spelunky (borderless, only with title bar) or at least with no ugly scrollbars? I repeat that there is the same issue when posting C2 games on Kongregate, or at least I had this issue.

    Please can anyone help?

  • I am having the same problem with my game on Chrome Store.

    I also have the same issue on Kongregate: the game always has scrollbars. To avoid them I had to set a bigger iframe and this causes ugly black padding on left and bottom.

    Is there anybody out there that knows how to fix this? It's in Constructs 2 interest too that games look properly. Thanks! :)

  • <img src="" border="0">

    Hi everyone, I started this little Tetris clone as a way for testing Construct 2 and I think it's close to being fun and finished, so here it is! :)

    I just posted the latest release (1.6) on Scirra Arcade at this address:

    The point system is heavily based on the GameBoy version; you get point for your softdrops and when deleting the lines; the higher the level, the more points you get for a deleted line. There are 20 levels in the game, with the latest ones being quite hard.

    I'm going to put it on Google Play sooner or later, but right now there is a big framerate drop when you delete a line and the particles are on screen; I need to understand what's the problem, since I don't think 30 particles (one line) should be a problem neither for my S2 nor for my Note2.

    Being just a test, I think the game is now feature complete and I only think to actually fix some minor issues and paint some better pixelartesque graphics for its background when I'll have the time.

    The virtual pad is having 8 different directions and 3+2 buttons. It has a buffer system that can recognize sequences (you can do an hadoken for instance) though I disabled the buffering parts in Constructris. I hope to use them in the next game! The pad in the promo shot is having 4 buttons but I recently dropped one and went for 3, which are more than enough for my needs.

    I hope you will have fun playing and please let me know if you spot any bug or weird stuff going on!

    EDIT: I noticed that another game (8BitBoy) has the same music as my one. Even more awkward, its creator chose the same opening tune I did out of the 16 tracks Erik Skiff composed in the Resistor Anthems I & II albums. This coincidence kinda sucks and I don't think I'll ever use free stuff again for my games; of course if something is free and wonderful as Erik Skiff chip-tunes then it's very probable someone else is finding it and using it :) ... what makes it so bad for me is that it was used by another C2 user and it is the same song in the same context (main menu) as I did. That being said, I'll probably change the music for the final release (the 1.8), I'm seeing if I can buy some track or maybe compose it on my own.

  • Thanks so much ramones! I was wrongly assuming the timescale to be reset on layout start, my bad :)

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  • Hi there,

    when I pause the game and go back to the main menu I find that the menu still triggers sounds but doesn't trigger the actions. Game and menu are on different layout. I stripped all of my game leaving only the minimal stuff, so that you can experience it too.

    Here is the file: menu_issue.capx

    I already searched the forums and read lots of threads but I found nothing that helped me.

    I got the feeling it has something to do with the fact that when I do a "go to layout" the target layout doesn't execute the "on layout start" code, or something like that.

    Thanks for your time!


  • Thanks again for you answer Ashley. A last question: what do you think is at the moment the best platform to target if, let's say, I don't care about multi-platform and I just want to get the best C2 output (that is: being able of using everything it has to offer, webgl and audio included).

    Thanks again for yoru feedback and for C2 itself :)

  • Thanks for the answers guys :)

    I come from asm/C and so I find it somewhat disturbing that something as simple as Tetris requires 60MB :) ... and I know people that will pass on Tetris when seeing the download size (like Kyatric said) even if they do have a fast net. In the end, as you said, I'll live with it and just do my best to justify the download size :)

    Ashley: I was indeed talking about webgl effects, sorry for not being more precise. Are you saying that even using node-webkit and distributing as desktop app I can't be sure everything webgl won't play fine? I assumed that node-webkit was the top choice for webgl support, together with Chrome.

    Thanks again!

  • Hi,

    the big downside of distributing desktop games/apps made with C2 is their size, which is quite big since it includes the player. My simple tetris clone is something like 60mb and no one will download it, for instance. And having it as a browser game is making me drop webgl and other stuff since I want it to play the same for everyone.

    So my idea was: what about adding another export option wich splits player and contents in two different packages? That way I could (for instance) put a link for downloading the games player and then many links for downloading the games. This could only work if the player stays the same for all ther games, of course, and it would also allow for updating the player only.

    I guess such an approach could have pros and cons and I would be interested on what Ashley has to say about this :)

    Thanks and have a nice game developing :)

  • Hi Manley23, I understand what you mean, I got 1 star ratings too on my game and surely it's not a game that deserves 1 star, especially if compared to many other games on the Arcade. Some frustrated people have fun like that, it's life and I am sorry for them more than for my rating :)

    Beside that, the whole Arcade rating and overall system is so broken right now that it probably makes no sense posting there and/or expecting rating to be fair or useful. I hope the promised Arcade update will rock and give the C2 gaming community a big push forward!

  • Hi Manley23, I did read some of your posts recently and I agree with you :)

    The Arcade is such a great idea, I really hope they will make it better. About C2 made games, I am seriously considering only targeting Chrome and desktop for the new game I'm working on!

    In meantime I am working to port Constructris to Android/iOS/WP8, it's part of the test I had in mind (developing a simple full functional game and port it to various platforms).