rtkiii's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I am working on a Trivia game and currently when you press the correct/incorrect answer It will display a graphic, add points, remove HP from player or enemy and then load the next question.

    Well during that 5 seconds or so the player can continue to click on the answer boxes so I just wanted to turn touch off for that amount of time.

    I thought it would be easy and set it to disable touch when the "Correct/Incorrect" object appears(I have this set to go over all the answer options) that touch could be turned off.

    so I tried doing If Obj_Answer_Result Opacity = 100 then Touch = disabled but all touch offers when doing this or comparing to a variable it "Set Permission."

    Any one have a suggestion?




  • I really appreciate all your help in this. Thanks for sticking with me my patient, friend!

  • Think I got it. Changed Sort X to above the int commands...

  • noticed something is duplicating at the bottom of the list...just now...

  • I love you.

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  • i tried adding to both loops that are in the layout...unless i am completely missing what a loop is. :)

  • Blah....cannot get it,,,,sweet crap. I tried for many variations and thought I got it once but then it was not saving the score...i quit :0

  • I tried adding to both of my loops and it does not seem to help...im sure i am doing something wrong. I dont need it on the button it was just for testing.

  • I did find my Global_variable I wasa using to generate the array but I had all 0's Clearing Array and adding some manual ones...stay tunred

  • tried this...not full array yet but does this make sense? The lcik is a button i have to test the code

  • Can you show me screen shots in C2 for what you suggest with sorting. Trying to find on my own and struggling like an idiot. I'm sorry and i appreciate all your help...you will be getting a you as a programming consultant to my game credits :)

  • Array full check...i can see what is in the list when debugging but there is no pre-set array with scores or names. It is adding as the player plays. So in theory after 10 plays it would be full...but then the sort would be off until they played 10 times...so maybe i should create a preset array data...but I dont know how :)

  • I removed the int convert in line 7 and it saves the text now but the score is not sorting correctly. I tried adding a sort to X...but maybe I added it to the wrong spot?

    Nah didn't work...i cant imagine this is as hard as I am making it.

  • Tried a couple things but cannot get it to convert back, does the array have to be completely full before i can sort/connvert? Can you provide an example?

  • ok I'll need to look into it as I am to sure how to do it :) Thanks for the guidance thus far. Much appreciated/