Hey there, I've been experimenting with the sort of typical MMO server style whereby you have a dedicated server and multiple clients connecting to this single authoritative server.
I'm trying to eliminate the need of the server actually rendering any of the action which the client typically needs to.
In essence, I just want the server to be a simple command prompt sort of executable which does all the server logic and sends out the necessary updates every tick.
Problems I've ran into so far is that there is no easy way to sync the players because if the server doesn't have the player objects in it, it cannot use the sync action to easily spread the changes that's been sent to the server by each client. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this, anything I'm missing etc.? I'm going to keep experimenting, but it seems as though the capability of making a real time multiplayer game with a stripped down server that simply processes server logic is quite troublesome!