Roroxnet's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • I have the same problem, im trying to make my character be able to push things around, so i added platform and physics behavior to my player, and physics behavior to movable objects.

    although both player and moveable object are square shaped for now, still their collision doesn't work properly. they do collide but my player is able to pass trough the object.. anyone has a solution for this?

  • Helllo everyone,

    im working on a platformer shooter where a player's model is capable of shooting in a direction of a mouse cursor.

    i have done legs and torso animation so far, and it's working well, geting mirrored when you alternate direction movement, left or right.

    i got the "weapon and arm" sprite separated from the rest of the model, now i have to make it allways facing the mouse cursor so a player can aim, but also it has to mirror the whole animation if the cursor goes from left side of the model to right and vice-versa

    help much appreciated !

  • thanks mate. ofc i have more questions! how to make power-up that has a cooldown so you can use it every 20 seconds?

  • man, you rock

  • is there a way to make a time-based power-up, that gives bonus movement speed for just a few seconds? i'm trying to make it using timer behavior and instance variables but im stuck please help

  • awesome thank you

  • however, i would like it not to show number like 330.94752349572, just the whole number

  • uh sory, i was using the wrong object, "textbox" from "form controls", instead of "text" from "general", it works now!

    god, it's hard to be a newbie

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  • nah, i still get the same message..

  • is there a way i could see movement speed displayed on HUD, cause i've tried setting textbox to display my speed every tick but i get an error "this parametar requires a string, not a number"?

  • thank you very much, i think that will work!

  • hello everyone

    its my first post here and a first game (platformer) im working on.

    i wish to put some objects on the map that will upon interacting, change the player's movement speed.

    say, you go into mud, it's -50 speed, on ice you would gain +50 speed, a power-up would add 20 movement speed etc.. it's ok if i set movement speed manually for every "zone" a player is in, but what if im in the mud, and having predefined speed for that place on the map, than i take a power-up, how can i add +speed?

    hope you understand what im trying to make.

    thanks in advance

  • 12 posts