roracle's Forum Posts

  • Yeah I was poking around with what I was already doing and noticed that as a valid option (and possibly the best, but I second guess myself). Thank you for your input, makes this decision easier. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I remember in MMF2 there was a way of setting a qualifier to various objects. This would be useful if you wanted to do specific things with certain items, but not others.

    For example, if you have various weapon types, and various weapons for that type, you could say "Qualifier Knife" or "Qualifier Unarmed" "Qualifier Sword" etc.

    This way, the knife changes depending on what you have, but since the character animations are all the same for each knife you get (the knives can be various looks and colors), it would be easier to say "qualifier knife equipped" then "set animation of qualifier knife to animation of char".

    I hope this was explained easily enough, and I appreciate any thoughts on this topic. If I've missed this somewhere, please tell me!



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  • This is what I've been working on, I'm personally surprised at the speed this is running in full screen. Even with particles. The water effects I haven't gotten to work properly yet, but eh, it'll come along.

  • I found this example and tried to implement it in C2, but with no luck. All that was different is that I had to do Array.At instead of simply Array, as C2 didn't take it. If there is a way of doing this in C2 I would be grateful in knowing.

    Link to example in forum.

    Also if there is another way, perhaps just a sine wave effect to the image itself that can go on and on to simulate waves (like a flag waving), that would be cool too.

    Thank you!

  • Any reason to go around killing Nazi's! I just wish I weren't so out numbered. :( Other than the lack of life power ups, it's fun.

  • Hey Frag, thanks for checking that out. I think the "drops down for a brief second" thing is happening because of a general lag issue as the image points are set appropriately and plays properly.

    Also, I've been working by myself on this for three and a half weeks straight and will (eventually) get around to on screen display of controls. Which is why I put them on the original post here. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Now, I've updated the game with higher res character sprites (and no longer invisible outline) and put in a few particle effects when using the steam or when swimming. (Which will most likely be updated later, this is a bug test, not an artistic critique, that will come later. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />)

  • Hard to get up in the level. Very hard for the first area, but rather fun none the less. :)

  • So can the bullets also have the physics behavior and have that effected? I'm wondering because I'm trying to do a "spray" effect like if you covered your finger on the end of a water hose. Does anyone have any information on this method perhaps?

  • Check it now. I changed a few things.

  • I want to be able to spawn 30 or so bullets and shoot them in a direction, but also have them fall after so long.

    I've played with physics, (along with bullet behavior) but every time I get it to shoot they burst out in a circular pattern and just float around. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!


  • (FIXED)I'm having trouble, once you get to the second screen, all the ledge helpers are out of place. I have the detector and helpers visible for observation. In C2 frame editor itself, they're placed properly, on the ledges. What could cause this? EDIT: This has been fixed!

    WILL BE ADDING MORE POWER UPS BY THE END OF THE WEEK and hopefully I can get Projectiles and Meele weapons ready as well!

    Controls are as follows:

    Shift, Z, X, Space, direction keys

    Click to Play Example

    <font size="5">Please scroll down to see updates to the game.</font>


    Space = Jump

    Space while Jumping = Jump Boost

    Up while Jump Boost = Jet Pack

    (either up/down style or upgrade for faster up/down left/right)

    Space while Jet Pack = Turn off Jet Pack

    Down = Crouch

    Down in water = Swim (with Flippers)

    Left/Right = Walk

    Z = Meele (Not ready)

    Hold Z and Left/Right = Run

    X = Weapon (Not ready)

    Shift (next to box) = Grab, left/right to pull. Pushing a block doesn't require grabbing it.


    (fixed)Remember, I'm having trouble with the ledge helpers not working properly on the SECOND FRAME.


    Thank you,


    Update 2:31 AM

    BTW: You have to get three items on the first frame to exit to the next. The exit from frame one is in the top right corner.


    Update 5:55 AM

    Updated, fixed swimming, added power ups for life and "steam" power.

    You now lose steam when using your items (double jump is part of the steam power system) so be careful when jetting around.

    See original link.


    Update 9:06 AM

    Current update now has a different method of using the jet pack feature. It has been replaced with 8-direction movement.


    Latest update fixes a general error where the ledges from the previous frame were appearing in the new frame.


    Last update only removed the ledges but the second frame wouldn't load the ledges where they are. IE: You get to frame 2 and they're all gone (because of END OF FRAME = destroy ledges). PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS!!!!


    It appears after the crash yesterday, it had set all the ledges to global-yes, so that was the problem I was having. Check link again to play.


    Update: Added idle animations.

  • Yes! Thank you!!! I forgot to put it in both event sheets so it constantly picked all of them the whole time. Wewt!

  • Sorry to bump, but I really can't figure this out. Any takers?

  • I have a block object in game set to platform movement to emulate being pushed around. However when I try to run the program with more than one block object, it pushes both at the same time.

    There's something I'm doing wrong, and it's something that hasn't been brought to my personal attention on these matters. I run into this "everything does it instead of just one" problem all the time. How do I fix this particular problem and prevent it in the future?

    Below is a link to the capx file for it. I encourage everyone to take what they want from it. I intend on making a full fledged platform game so as I have trouble you guys may well see more and more of this engine.

    Again, my problem is I can't get him to push the blocks individually, it has to be the first one placed and it moves both blocks.

    Download here

  • Interesting, you know had I looked at that "Enable/Disable" operation earlier I probably would have had this done way quicker.