Whatsup everyone,
Im here again with a few questions regarding layers/layouts.
I had some help from
GeometriX yesterday and i really thought i had most of this down but i am afraid i am still in need of some info.
I know that i can set Objects to Global to keep them from being destroyed while switching layouts,Is it possible to keep things in the current STATE while switching layouts aswell? What i mean is i have A Day and Night system that i would like to carry over to the next layout,For example i have a Forest biome,if its night time in my forest biome and i want to go to my jungle biome how could i make it where it stays night time while switching layouts?
-Second Question-
Whats the best way to transfer my player from layout to layout?
I have tried doing the global thing on him from properties and it doesnt work,Im not sure if that works with the player object just the same as everything else since i do have a player mask that he is bound to.
-Third Question-
If i would rather buld every layout from scratch instead of making it an instance would it cause lag becuase i hand built the terrain?My room right now is 3200x3200 and i was aiming for something bigger since i am creating a sandbox game,I dont know much about arrays because i havnt found the right tutorial/Learning Process for me.Thanks everyone