RookieDev's Forum Posts

  • Hi Everyone,

    I want to clarify the title,I want to know is it possible to check if Objects are right next to eachother without Arrays?

    In my case im looking to make my plain dirt tile turn into a grass covered dirt tile after a breif wait period,But only if it is already next to a grass covered dirt tile.

    Thats why i needed to know how to check if tiles are side by side.I also have plans to use this same style of events in different parts of this project.

    Thanks everyone i hope i was detailed enough.

  • EncryptedCow Thanks man,I was looking at the way you did it,It kinda confused me at first but i seen the layout was the same size as the window view.Thanks again

    i will also send you a little sneak peek at my new backrounds.Check your pms and tell me if you like them

  • Have you been using Yann's? His method uses those sin/cos equations to locate

    the neighbor to check, while mine will check based on set variables in the if/then loops you're talking about. They both do the same thing, but his is more graceful, and I really like how he did it. Mine is a very straightforward approach, but uses a lot of actions.

    If you've been going off of his example, I would say to stick with his.

    It sounds like you have been, so keep doing that! Mine was more intended for an example of one way to implement it and show it could be done, but I'm not a super wizard so it uses more events than it should. Then Yann made it into, in my view, a proper implementation for a game with more control over the generation and is overall a cleaner and efficient method. He did an awesome job making it better with his optimizations and I learned quite a bit from it, so thanks Yann!

    Lastly, I put that disclaimer into mine because it's an example and not very efficient. More specifically, where you pointed out, it will create EVERY tile in the "lvl" array. This is fine when it's in a small scale, like how it is now you shouldn't get more than 7-8,000 tiles/objects in your layout. But if you go larger than that, like say to a terraria sized level, you're going to get tile counts to the millions. Just a small sized level in terraria is 4300x1200, or 5,160,000 potential tiles. You're not going to want to create all of those tiles, it'll bog and become unplayable. You'll want to implement some way to only have a set amount of tiles in your layout at once, such as what's going to be seen in your game window. I've got something already made that I can make an example from and show you if you want.

    Best of luck with your game!

    I would love to see the example of only having a set amount of tiles in your game window at once.If this is possible i could do things i never thought possible with construct 2. Im making a terraria/Minecraft style of sandbox game.

  • EncryptedCow,I want to thank you for showing me this,but i was really looking for directive.I am grateful to get help from you but at the same time i dont want you to think im asking you guys to make my game for me.

    i have a few questions about this if you have the time to anwser.

    Will this work with any size layout if i just pin it to the window view,and on my gui layer?

    Also would this work the same if i draw the array slots in the box?

  • Hi everyone,

    I am wondering how to go about making an inventory that is in a Draggable Box that i can have on touch screens.I want the player to use his/her finger to pull up the draggable box from the bottom of the window veiw.

    I just cant seem to figure out the first step to go in.I cant fathom the thought of having my inventory in a seperate layout and having that layout draggable.It dosnt sound like it would work that way thats why im here.

    If all else fails i would love to have an inventory similar to Terraria or Minecraft but how to i make a layer popup within a layer if that sounds about right.

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    Simply go to your nearest store that carries paypal reloadable cards and put the amount of money you need at the register.After that go home load up your account and buy Construct 2 because its awesome.

  • Hi Guys How Is Everyone,

    i have a quick question about switching layouts.

    Would it be possible for me to switch layouts and have my player spawn in the exact place i have placed him in the Default Layout if both layouts are the same in size?

    And if this is true would i just place the same code i used in the default layout event sheet to pin the player to my mask?

    Im asking this because im getting a funky outcome when i switch between layouts.My player ends up staying in the air and my invisible mask falls straight to the bottom of the new layer when switching.

    Thanks everyone for helping me with my issues.

  • mystazsea awesome.I dont even know why i didnt think of just sticking it to the window in a fixed fashion like my UI Buttons.Thanks man for giving me a different way of looking at it.

  • Hi Everyone,

    I was wondering how to make Rain or snow fall from my window viewport.

    I want to make it look like its raining to the player instead of making it rain throuhout my entire layout.

    I have seen some capX files but none talk about specifics on how to make it fall from the players window view port

  • TheNewGuy Im not sure if the mods will come and help you dude.

    If you need help on the forums you should ask for GeometriX or Nimtrix them two guys are pretty damm smart and if they cant help nobody can.

  • If you are trying to keep the player inside a specific area that would be your best option.If your player is moving weird when you have a collision you might want to check your Player Mask.You should not be having any issues when rubbing against a wall even if its invisible.

  • bhentz Just use invisible sprites to mark out the limited area.

    Make an event on collision or just make it solid to keep the player boxed in.

    Hope that helps

  • EncryptedCow Thanks man i really thought i made you upset for asking you to do that.I take blows to my pride when i ask for help like this but i do understand that i dont know it all.Thank You EncryptedCow.I will send them right now

  • Whatsup Everyone,

    Im here again to ask about Tilesets.

    I have a Tileset with 4 trees seperated by a white grid.The trees are in parts Just like Terraria style trees.My question is Whats the best way for me to cut them from the tileset? I have tried a few different ways and im just getting the white grid in with my tile,Which means its offset but when i checked it wasnt offset.Im kinda lost with this.I heard that can do it but no one person has explained how.

    I jusr want to get my tree objects into construct without errors does ssomeone know a trick?

  • rexrainbow,How exactly does this work? does it just spawn tiles for a backround? or can i use the tiles i spawn as objects? I want to use tiles to bring my terraria style trees over to construct 2 since i do not know any other way to cut my tileset up into 32x32 block tiles and place them into construct.Is this just for creating the world? or can i make the tiles do things with events?

    I will send you a pm of the tiles im talking about rexrainbow