Unable to find the answer and I'm posting here, unfortunately I'm only managing to post at DROPBOX, the forum is giving error.
Anyone who wants to check the image link is below.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/zvuxzf1c6yiym ... eading.png
Thanks guys.
Scofano, the green ball must be moved to another line when the left mouse button is pressed. The ball must be moved horizontally to walk on the line.
As if the line had a magnet that attracts the ball to her.
Exemplo abaixo:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0w34xsdwe0cl7 ... 0ball.capx
Guys, how could I make small balls, sliding into a pentagram (5 lines), and they can only move with the mouse to the vertical and horizontal, these balls can walk through any one of the 5 lines.
Thanks in advance.
Scofano, I can not use his example and do use, I've tried many different ways. But when the ball crosses the walls.
Scofano, there is an error in this example, because if you hold the ball and throw it against the wall, it will exceed, and in my case this could not happen.
While this is not resolved, I'm putting my files on dropbox. Gives almost the same thing.
Thank you.
Thanks for the book tip. I'll get some to buy, but from what I saw the tutorials on the site teach more than the book.
Thank you guys!
https://www.dropbox.com/s/sdsysnf558a1d ... ocked.capx
What I'm trying to make is that the green ball, can not exceed the blue walls.
Can anyone help?
When I send the file, the following message appears:
Post a reply
The uploaded file is empty.
Hello everybody!
Inform anyone know how I could make a draggable object by mouse standing in a kind of box, and this object can not exceed the walls of this box?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Staff stayed a few hours without internet and could do what he was intending to run.
In order to do what I wanted, just create an action like the one below, and determine the coordinate where the object will be duplicated.
When my internet back I had already solved, anyway thanks for the reply.
Thanks brunopalermo
Hello everybody! Thanks for the replies and views in my posts, I have a new question:
How do I duplicate an object, whenever the mouse click, and that duplicate object becomes draggable.
Guys, does anyone know how I could say start thinking.
1. When you click a play button, a (red) line, is able to move to the right, and after that whenever you go over the sound of the object is executed.
Can anyone shed some light?
I am exporting my file in android with landscape screen, and using the XDK to create the file. Apk, but the file is displayed in portait, so I can change the screen to landscape, rotate the screen to accept the android screen game landscape.
I would like to solve this farhanx, thanks for your reply.
I'm working with Intel Crosswalk XDK, and I am impressed with the ability to export to multiple platforms, for me is being a great experience.