RomanCenturion's Forum Posts

  • Comparing your screenshots to what I'm getting, I think somethings wrong with what I see. All I see is a black background, gray circle and an orange circle getting bigger, then smaller, bigger, then smaller(orange cirlce only).... I tried pressing all the controls you mentioned, but the only thing I can do is move the gray cirle within a certain area. If you used pixel shader, it might explain it since my computer doesn't support pixel shader 2 (I think, it has problems with it anyway).

    Anyway, here are my suggestions though I can't play your game(sorry if they are already included in your game):

    Menu with following options

    -Play Game

    -Instructions or Tutorial

    -High Scores

    -Quit(maybe not necessary since they can click x in corner?)

    Play Game could go to a submenu screen where the player could pick a level with the terrain, graphics, difficulty, etc. that they wanted.

    You could give a short tutorial in the game to explain all the controls and some objects in the game.

    Obstacles and objects that will fall and kill the miner if he/she removes blocks from under it.

    Tunnels collapse after a certain amount of time has passed.

    Supports that extend the amount of time before a tunnel collapses, possibly infinently depending on the level of difficulty.

    On easy difficulty, make adaptable difficulty. For example, if a person gets killed so many times within a certain time period by aliens, decrease the stats of the aliens (Those were aliens in your screen shot, right?).

    Just giving you some ideas, I hope they help.

  • It's awesome

  • I'm wondering if there is a bug with construct 0.99.91. Basicly, the following code doesn't work:

    C: On Left Clicked on mutesprite

    Inverted C: Master is Muted (an XAudio2 function)

    A: Set Master Muted (an XAudio2 function)

    A: mutesprite: Set animation to "Animation 1"

    C: On Left Clicked on mutesprite

    C: Master is Muted (an XAudio2 function)

    A: Set Master Unmuted (an XAudio2 function)

    A: mutesprite: Set animation to "Default"

    C = Condition

    A = Action

    It works as long as you use any keyboard condition except for the left mouse click. Any ideas as to why? If it is a bug, will someone report it onto the bug tracker for me since I don't have a sourceforge account. Thanks.

    BTW-Why isn't there a condition for seeing if the Master is muted? Also, would it be "a XAudio2" or " an XAudio2"?

    Edit: The problem seems to occur whenever the keyboard condition for both events is the same. For example, replace both left mouse clicks with m and you have the same problem.

  • I think that if you don't have it compressed as a .rar file you might get some help. I know that in order for me to uncompress it I would have to pay some money. Making it so that it could uncompress itself would be a lot of help.

  • Okay, I know how to make your units be unselectable. I just need to know which version of construct you are using. If you are using 0.99.85, then here's a cap that will show you how I made units selectable and unselectable.

    I'm sorry, but I haven't gotten to making units stop at a waypoint and am trying to figure it out for myself as well.

    By the way, don't create another unit until you have moved one unit of Team1 away from the spawn point. Also, read the comments to understand all the controls because I didn't use the same ones as you.

  • Thanks. I'll try out these methods and see if they work.

  • what do you mean by an additional condition?

  • I'm having some trouble with overlap. I'm using construct version 0.99.85. It seems that whenever the object is at the same y position as the object it registers as overlapping even though the x coordinates don't overlap. Is this a bug? Does anyone know if there's another way that's simple (I know a much more messier and complicated way but don't want to do it unless I must.) Thanks.

  • Thanks, I get how that works now. It makes sense too.

  • I'm just trying to see if my idea should work or if I'm doing something wrong. I have a sprite with the bullet behavior that moves towards where the mouse was clicked. I'm trying to get the sprite to stop when it reaches where the mouse clicked. Sadly , it won't stop. Here's what I have. I am using version 0.99.62.


    right mouse button clicked


    sprite: set speed to 250

    sprite: rotate 360 degrees towards (MouseX, MouseY)

    System: set global variable 'mousex' to MouseX

    System: set global variable 'mousey' to MouseY


    sprite: Y Equal to global('mousey')

    sprite: X Equal to global(mousex')


    sprite: set speed to 0

    Also, if anyone has an idea for how to select certain troops and unselect them once they have been assigned to do something it would be great. Thanks .

    Edit: I scrapped the variables and instead am using another sprite that goes to where the mouse right clicked. That part works fine now. I'm just wondering if there's anyway to make an object selectable and unselectable.

    Edit: I used private variables for determining whether an object was selected (tell me if there's a better way please). Right now, I'm wondering if there's a way to use custom movement to make an object move towards a position without using rotation. Thanks .

    Edit: I found a way to do it without using custom movement, though I would still appreciate it if someone could explain a way to use it for this purpose. Instead, I used a sprite that had the bullet behavior and set the position of the first sprite to the second so that the first sprite wouldn't rotate. For anyone interested, here's the code that shows how I did it all.


    sprite1 is a stickman, 'selected' is a private variable for stickman, rotating_sprite is a point whose opacity is 0 and has the bullet behavior, stop_sprite is a small box whose opacity is also set to 0, mouseandkeyboard object is used

    on left clicked on sprite1
    => sprite1: set 'selected' to 1
    on left mouse button clicked
    => sprite1: set 'selected' to 0
    on right mouse button clicked
    sprite1: Value 'selected' Equal to 1
    stop_sprite: set position to (MouseX, MouseY) 
    rotating_sprite: set angle towards stop_sprite
    rotating_sprite: set speed to 250
    on collision between rotating_sprite and stop_sprite
    rotating_sprite: set speed to 0
    always(every tick)
    sprite1: set position to rotating_sprite.X, rotating_sprite.Y
    Sorry for all the edits, I made some mistakes and had to fix them.
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  • Thank you so much; I really needed this. I tried it out and it works perfectly.

  • I'm attempting to make a program that can't be opened until a certain date. Is there any way to do this? I was thinking that using system-compare time might work, but I have no idea how to convert the date I want(July 15, 2010) into milliseconds. I tried using python script, but I'm not really familiar at all with python. I will appreciate all help. Thank you.

  • Thanks I'll try it out and hopefully succeed.

  • I'm trying to get a window that pops up when you press "Load." In this window, I want the user to be able to pick which file to load from the computer by clicking on it. Sort of like loading an image in paint or some other program. Is there any way to do this? I can't find any information on how to do it anywhere. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice on how to do this.

  • Don't know if the computer your using has a larger monitor, but it doesn't fit on mine. Also, the width and height of the program wasn't large enough on mine so there was text going off the screen in parts and I couldn't see the the tool bar if your program had one. It's probably just my computer, but that's all I was able to find out.