Roginic's Forum Posts

  • I'd love some help in design department. Help in a form of opinion

    I'm making a game which involves STARS as high score. I want the STARS to fit the game theme! Game is a giant cube traveling in space. It's one giant maze made of many levels.It's a maze.In space I would love to share a game screenshot but everything is a placeholder and graphics are work in progress!

    Here is the screenshot of the STARS I designed:

    Pick top 3 you like and write the numbers!


  • Checked some tutorials and used the array for it... Works like a charm.

    Appreciate the help

  • Ok the title is a bit awkward. I really don't know how to make a title but i can explain what my problem is....

    I have a game with many levels. On each finished level you get STARS as your score. 3 STARS is best score.... So lets say I finish a level with 2 STARS and I wanna repeat it.The next time I do worse and end up with one STAR. Score for that level now shows 1 STAR which is a problem... I want it to keep my best score so that everytime I do worse I'd have my best score not the current one I got.

  • Use these 2 conditions in 1 event block:

    - On any touch

    - On touched object: "inventorybackground".

    Then right click on the latter condition and choose "invert".

    Yep, that did the trick. So easy!

    Thank you !

  • What I would try in a first attempt is to add to your moving condition something like "AND is not touching inventoryBackground".

    EDIT: as InventoryBackground I mean the image you have below your inventory area. In that way you cover whole area as exception. So whenever you touch the screen outside the inventory area the player will move, but once you tap on inventory area the condition will be FALSE so player will not move.

    But how do I do that?

  • First of all I was thinking of posting in the "How do I....?" section but it seems like it's spammed hard by chinese.

    Secondly I have a question about touch screen and something that has been bothering me.

    I am using touch screen movement where my player is moving in the direction pressed on screen.So wherever you touch the screen, player moves in that direction.For testing purposes im using a mouse and it's set angle(player.x, player.y, mouse.x, mouse.y)

    On this image you can see my inventory at the bottom.And even when I press on the inventory, player will move.My question is: How do I isolate inventory area from player movement. When I press on inventory i just want it to use the item?

  • OMG you are absolutely right.


  • I have a Tilemap with a few walls. Wooden wall, iron wall, steel wall, stone wall....

    I want to make, let's say wooden wall tile destroy, when it's on collision with my player...

    I am having difficulty finding solution. I checked the forum topics about this but i cannot seem to figure it out...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yeah. I've been looking for some topics about this but could not find anything. Those that i did find were confusing.

    Anyways, that worked perfectly. Thanks for the help

  • I have a space background and I want it to make a feeling like the space is constantly moving. I managed to make it move to the left but I can't make it constantly loop!!!

  • I have a problem with tilemap. Picture will best explain my problem.

    where the red arrows are pointing. How do i get rid of this???

  • Thank you for your reply.

    Can I ask how far did you get?

  • My first creation ever.

    The game has a cartoony feel because I wanted it to look goofy and funny.

    I drew all of the characters and sprites myself. Gave them some backstory

    and silly animations.

    I would appreciate any feedback, comment and critic of course.

    Enjoy the game!

  • Hello Everyone. My name is Nikola.

    I'm a very creative and goal driven person. I enjoy video games and as of late, i'm a developer.

    Just recently I published my first game on Kongregate using Construct2.

    I wanna give a big thanks to this lovely community, that was quite helpful with my inquiries!

    Have a beautiful day Scirra community

  • It's all in the topic. So I need to turn down volume of my music gradually over time until the sound is muted