Roginic's Forum Posts

  • I found the problem...

    "trigger once" did the trick... thanks for your help

  • It has all the animations and behaviours but its not doing any actions....I cna see it on the screen but its like hes not there actually...Is there a way to destroy certain sprites inside the family and leave the others?

  • So I have multiple character sprites outside my layout and when certain action is finished( in this case fade out) I destroy my family which has 13 character sprites. Next thing I do is spawn one of the characters to a certain location. I do this to save memory because I dont want all of 13 sprites to play animations outside the screen...The problem is, my character is spawned but Its not moving or doing any animations...

    I would need to destroy the family but leave 1 sprite undestroyed

  • So the thing i need is this....

    Lets say i have layout 1( levels screen) - from that layout you choose level and go to that level

    layout 2 ( level1) - on this layout is the level i previously chosen from layout(levels screen)

    layout 3 ( level 2) - same

    layout4 (level 3) - same

    .......and so on

    So my problem is next...when i finish (lets say level 1) i return to "levels screen" and i wanna repeat that level... the next time i go to that level it wont it need some kind of restart

  • Well i just figured out how you CAN actually add any event sheet to any layout.Click on your Layout and on the left side there is a window with properties and there is event sheet option where you can choose which event sheet to use with that layout...

    Just thought I'd share.


  • Roginic Just curious... why wouldn't you do an 'include'?

    It just happens I didn't. Don't know the reason.

    And it just happened that I started working something in that layout until I realized that I have no event sheet attached to it

    Luckily it wasn't much work, and i just copy/pasted it to new Layour/event sheet

  • I had a feeling about this...I made a new layout with event sheet attached on it and had to move everything manualy...

    I just tought there could be a way to attach the sheet to layout in some way but there isnt.

    Thank you for the reply

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  • So here is my problem....I addad a new layout without event sheet, then later on I made a new event now I need to add that event sheet onto that layout but i have no idea how!

    I feel like a noob

  • My question was understood perfectly, but I have trouble executing it in construct.

    I want every random 1-3 seconds that program throws a dice and a random number between 1-110.

    and for numbers between :

    1-49 executes animation 1

    50-99 executes animation 2

    100-110 animation 3

    Step by step instructions would be great

  • I'm a noob and I dont understand how do make a random dice roll still....Any more help would be appreciated

  • That helped a lot. Thank you !

  • How do i do a dice roll??

    For example: i wanna dice to roll from 1-110

    if it rolls 1-49 -Action 1 happens

    If it rolls 50-99 -Action 2 happens

    and if it rolls 100-110 -Action 3 happens!