Roccinio's Forum Posts

  • Just add an instance variable example "clicked"

    if on touch with button (mouse click) add 1 to "clicked"

    if clicked =o button =default

    if clicked =1 button = state 1



    if clicked = or bigger than 4 set clicked to 0

  • Hi to all,

    I had to rebuild my whole project from scratch and i need to import my tilemap again,

    Is there a way to find the collision coordinates i had on my previous capx and import them to the new one so i can save a days work in trying to set them up again one by one?

    I exported my previous project as files and i can find all the event sheets in xml and assets by i cant figure out where the collision coordinates of the tilemap object are saved.

    Any ideas?

  • are you using pixel rounding to "on" and sampling to point?

    try "off" and sampling to linear.

    maybe this can help a bit.

  • it is the new beta.

    if you see the release notes he made a bug fix about slopes and the way the system handles on landed.

    apparently it did not work as planned.

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  • same here! i was about to post a .capx

    please ashley if you could release a small version update asap because this is making my game literally unplayable .

  • ramones


    i entered in all platform behavior boxes the value of 50 and it still flies to the moon when i press '.

    i guess vector y is not affected by anything?

  • ramones

    thank you sir.

    sometimes it is in front of your nose and you cannot see it!

    but can you please explain where is the "limiter" on the vector y movement?

    jump strength or gravity does not seem to affect things like the max speed did to vector x

  • zenox98

    maybe someone knew the answer already :p

    i am worried that especially in weaker machines even though the system doesn't check for collisions maybe these are added to the collisions cells and that adds up to cpu use .

    Maybe Ashley can give us a yes or no answer.

  • Can someone please tell me if this is a bug or i am missing something?

    I have on purpose entered extreme values for this example so it would show right away if it is working or not.

    just press ' or Enter and please tell me why the vector x is not working.

    thank you

  • If objects have collisions "ON" but i do not have any event that checks for them ,does this add any overhead in any way to the engine?

    Lets say i have 500 instances of a background tree with collisions "on" but there is no interaction in the code with them whatsoever, does this add any unnecessary load to the cpu?

    thank you.

  • i am trying to disable collisions for some or for all png's that are included on each scml instance with no success.

    Even if i say "pick arm UID 100------ arm set collisions disabled " in the debugger the collision is still activated.

    is this a "bug" or i am doing something wrong?

    with the exception of my main character that i need some body parts collisions , i have made all the rest in game collisions to interact with the "dummy" background box of the scml characters.

    The scml animations are just eye candy so there is no need for me to have the png's collisions enabled but i cant seem to find a way to disable them.

    any suggestions?

    p.s i have tried with family's,on created,on initialized etc nothing seems to work.

    Now i have the object overhead with every instance AND collisions enabled for all those extra objects!

  • Thank you for taking the time to answer all of our questions.

    For me this situation is a very rare case of raising the bar so high that you fall victim of your own success!

    Once i've seen the quality of my animations running real time by using your plugin i just cant go back to PNG'S!

    For my coins to even remotely show that same silky smooth animation using png's i need to export about 160 of them.

    you have spoiled us so bad that for me personally i just cant go back!

    So take this as a huge compliment : once you go Spriter you never go back

    The idea of using separate objects is really smart and i use it for my main character to block or to attack.

    But on the same time adding so many objects if you only want to use scml files is troubling since there are quite few systems... that cannot handle the extra object load ,

    and as i explained earlier you lose so much quality using the traditional system that it is just heart breaking to see this happening.

    Is there a possibility to create 2 versions of scml files on import?

    one to include all the bells and whistles and one that just tweens and you only have control over its animations without it having the object overhead?

    Just an idea.i don't know if it makes any sense but i had to try!


  • Oh yes! You must use the choose and then the numbers separated by comas

  • For me it works changes instantly color and if one time it does not change it is because it picks the same color again since it is random and it seems that it is not working when in matter of fact it does

  • jayderyu

    I am on the same boat with you.

    My biggest surprise when i entered the gaming creation process was the way software devs create new and amazing features without pausing for a minute and think about the future of these features and how they will work and perform when users start to use them extensively and on a larger scale.

    when i first started using spriter and saw all that quality and amazing tweening in game i was literally blown away.

    But here comes the sad part.

    As i improved my skills and my project started to become a real game i started to stumble across huge setbacks that i thought they wouldn't exist.

    Of course i am not naive to think that anything that has to do with technology is easy and especially creating games but not in a million years i could have guessed that i would spend almost 3 months conducting experiments ,destroying and rebuilding my game because the tilemap object had seams.

    I thought that if it is build inside the software ,then it should work!

    now i have the same problem with spriter.

    up until yesterday i hadn't noticed that the spriter plugin adds objects for every scml instance.

    if this is something that can be fixed ,not a problem.

    if not then my whole planning and months of hard work go down the drain.

    and this is exactly my point.

    I love new features .who wouldn't want to see C2 have 3d volumetricparticlelightningtressfx(lol) and spriter support for 3d max?

    But i don't want these, until basic game breaking stuff are working as intended.

    I am not complaining since both ashley and lucid rock!

    they are pioneers on their field and work hard to give us what we want but sometimes i feel that there is no planning ahead.

    I don't mind to be a beta tester (since that's what we are) since this is cutting edge tech the way it is implemented and with our contribution things move forward ,but sometimes i become frustrated when

    i encounter problems where in my mind there shouldn't exist.

    Love you all,just had to take these things out of my chest