RobertoFreemano's Forum Posts

  • dop2000... I think I love you!

    Thanks man!

  • Thanks guys,

    It's taking me a little longer to figure this out but you're suggestions are challenging me to think ;)

  • Hi Community,

    I have a player with 8Direction behaviour with set angle = 360 degree (smooth).

    If I use arrow keys to move, the player moves around, but if i take my finger off the key, say, at angle (other than 45 or 90 degree), I'd like the player to stay at that angle, rather than snap to say 90, 180, 360 etc.

    so if Player is facing North, and I hit [down] key, rather than just jump down position or 180 degrees

    Hope that makes sense.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Community,

    I'm trying to get the enemy sprite to move back 3 places on collision. So, no matter the (angle of the Enemy), the enemy will bump player, then go back 3 places, then try hit player again.

    So, I'm trying: Every Frame - Enemy angle to player with a bullet motion.

    on collision, (this bit i get stuck).

    I've tried set position/Enemy.x/y - number :(



  • Thanks dop2000

  • Think I cracked it!

  • Okay, I do have player sprite set angle towards mouse x/y on Everytick.

    Do I need to add this pause bit into Everytick?

  • Hi Community,

    I read some articles on here and watched some video about this, but i cannot seem to get this working.

    I have a player on 8Direction and click mouse to shoot.

    I've created a new EventSheet called Pause and (included it into Mainsheet)


    Global = pause = 0

    Mouse click PauseButton

    Sys Add 1 to pause

    ys pause>1 sys Set pause to 0

    ys pause=0 sys set pause to 1

    ys pause=1 sys set pause to 0

    This does pause the game (so to speak), but if i click mouse, it produces bullets on screen. and the player's angle is still trained on cursor.

    how can i fix this please?



  • Hello community,

    I have Enemy sprite with LOS behaviour. When Enemy see Player, it charges (bullet behaviour).

    My player has bullets and if a bullet hits Enemy, it should slow down (or at least that's what I'm trying to do).

    I do have a var=zom_speed = 30

    I think the LOS behaviour is preventing this.

    Any ideas please?

  • Thanks plinkie & BadMario for all your help ;)


  • I've just done a quick test on a new project and that works, so there must be something wrong with my game :(

  • I setup an Every tick with Set TEXT to 'player' and this does set it on MenuLayout, but as soon as I'm on PlayLayout, which also has same TEXT value > is always 0

  • Thanks plinkie,

    on my MenuLayout, I set Global Num 'player' = 0

    If Mouse click on (Elf) then set 'player' = 1

    If Mouse click on (Wiz) then set 'player' = 2

    Click BUTTON to goto PlayLayout


    Include MenuLayout

    On Start of Layout

    System player = 1 then PIN Elf to puppet sprite (with 8Dir)

    > System player = 2 then PIN Wiz to puppet sprite (with 8Dir)

    but this ain't happening..... the var is 0

    Not sure why :(

  • Hi Community,

    Trying to get my head arount this one. Let's say, on the menu, you have a choice of 3 characters (e.g. Elf, Knight, Wizard)... in the PlayLayout, I want the same experience for the player (ie. map, enermies) but the character must be as selected from the menu... which they will have their own attributes.

    I can only think... on PlayLayout, Sprite with 8Direction. I want to PIN another sprite with (say Wizard) on to the sprite with movement.

    Would you use an Array for this?



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  • Thanks soooo much plinkie,

    So this is what I interpreted from your reply:

    On key pressed

    System var=0 | spawn grenade

    | set var = 1

    Grenade bullet speed <=0 | grenade Destroy

    Grenade | On Destroy | Set var = 0

    and it works a treat!]

    Thanks again!