Robaschi's Forum Posts

  • Hey! So i have been working a bit on my test game for a while, and got some things fixed.

    I have now implemented a wall-jumping mechanism following a tutorial and to my surprise it actually works! Downside: You slide up instead of jumping off when on the left side.

    Sadly this also has made me exceed the limit of what I can do in terms of commands in C2, so sometime on the 1st of October I will have to purchase a license for the full version.

    Until then, here's the latest version of my test game.

    https: // dropbox. com/s/fi6xrwoqkx50qhq/Test%20Two.capx?dl=0

  • I noticed this thread has become a little quiet. Understandable since people are prolly busy, I myself have been making many more sprites for the game (I just got Aseprite for this reason ahaha), so more animations for more commands to come!

  • Alright so after trying out the plugin and getting the scene set up, I find that the camera will attempt to scroll to the designated coordinates, but it keeps trying to jerk back to the player character. Any way to fix that?

    Here's the layout I got at the moment. I probably am missing something here...

  • Okay I was being an idiot and installing it into the plugins folder, not the behaviours folder. Thanks much!

  • For some reason, even after I install the plugin, I get the message saying that it's not found, it's missing the 'moveto.rainbow' file apparently...

  • Hello there Robaschi,

    What I see here is that you have some overlapped events, you need to be very careful since Construct 2 reads the code lines in the order as they were written, and sometimes the system replaces similar events for the one that has been created at first.

    Try changing the 11th line to "platform is jumping" instead of "Up arrow is down" and let's see what happens.


    You also don't need the "On A key down" in event 9 to 11 since this condition is already tested line 7 and common to all those sub-events.

    You can post the URL to your capx as text that we will copy in the URL bar, That would likely be easy, because twice the screenshots you post actually fail to focus/display the events of where your issue lies (on the first screenshot, the events about moving/stopped are collapsed instead of being expanded unfortunately)

    I was about to post the capx myself, actually, so that someone can tinker with the commands and events and whatnot.

    And since I still don't have enough reputation, here's a spaced out link.

    ht tps : //www . dropbox . com/s/fi6xrwoqkx50qhq/Test%20Two . capx?dl=0

    Just a note I added some more stuff, such as a ladder climbing sequence. I'm still working on that in the meantime.

  • Here's the set up I got so far.

    Brown box is for the camera pan trigger event cutscenes, the lime box is for when the player triggers a text box to pop up, and the magenta box is for if I want the cutscene to begin with an NPC of some kind to run up or run by the player.

  • Alright, I know I have another topic about the thing for animations for my sprites and whatnot, and so far I'm getting that down okay.

    My question now is how to make basic cutscenes. No fancy text boxes via. XML (I will supply my OWN boxes, haha), just triggers for characters to do their animations within the scenes and camera panning stuff, as well as global events to have said triggers happen.

    If anybody's willing to provide a capx or a screenshot, it'd be much appreciated!

  • Okay so here's the code I have now, I had to add the 'On any key released' command (will change it to 'On A released' later, used that for debugging purposes) because for some reason the character would stick on the last frame of the attack animation if I kept holding the button down. I think this is probably because I don't mirror my sprites.

    Now for some reason, the character will not play the attack animation for when they're in the air, I have a unique animation set for that, but for some reason it doesn't play. If there's a way to fix that, let me know, it's probably a simple thing I overlooked.

  • I'm surprised this topic kind of died out. I MUST REVIVE IT!

    My name is Robaschi, real name will not give because of reasons. I'm more or less a hobbyist with big dreams in mind, and I hope to one day manke an amazing game that's at LEAST playable.

    At the moment I'm just experimenting with Construct 2 to get a feel of it, as well as looking through the forums to look at tips for platform mechanics (such as Metroidvania style controls and whatnot).

  • Aaah of course! I had a feeling I would need to use the trigger once code to it. Once I get onto my computer I'll look at the capx and tell you the results of my little adventure, haha.

    Again, thanks much for the help!

    I may as well share my inspirations.

    My biggest inspirations for wanting to make games is Noitu Love and Noitu Love 2, The Iconoclasts, Terraria, Shovel Knight, the Shantae series, pretty much any sort of 2D platform made with nothing but pixel art are my biggest inspirations.

  • Alright a thing I noticed about the sounds for the attacking animations that's kind of a problem: When you attack, the sounds seem to play very fast.

    For example, the character running sound is at 0.4 seconds for every tick for the system condition, whereas the attack animation has no tick for it to determine how long the sound should play before playing again, so it comes out as one long continuous sound until you let go of the key for the attack.

    So if there is a way to remedy this, that's be greatly appreciated!

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  • Thanks so much for the help Indomitus! At the moment I only have the walk cycle sounds down, and thanks to the capx you supplied to me, I followed its instructions and now my character has a seamless walk cycle noise!

    I'll be adding in the attack stuff soon, I'm gonna remake the animations for that, but for now, There's still so much I wanna do, but at the moment getting the hang of Construct 2 is a good way to go.

    Of course since I don't have a high enough reputation yet, I can't share the capx file I have, but oh well. Maybe later!

  • Thank you Indomitus!

    As for the coding, what I been using is very simple stuff, some of which I managed to figure out on my own.