Robaschi's Forum Posts

  • Greetings!

    I just recently got myself Construct 2, and have already made some test platforms to get a hand at how things work. Thus I have managed to figure out controls, animations and sounds (to a degree haha).

    But I have encountered some issues while trying things: One is attack animations. I followed a tutorial for making attack animations and, despite following everything from the book, I found that the loop for the attack animation does not stop. I was wondering if someone can make a more better/updated tutorial or some tips to fix this.

    The other is adding footstep sounds for when the character is moving. Again i followed some basic instructions for this, but produced the same results. The sounds do not stop when the character stops. I ask again if someone could give me some tips or a detailed walkthrough on how to fix this.

    Thank you for anyone's time for reading this, and I hope to hear from someone (or anyone) with some useful information!

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