rmarble's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • I'm so right brained, that approach didn't occur to me. I'll give it a shot.

    Thank you!

  • I have a money system called coinz.

    Everytime coinz is >/= 25 an object is created.....over and over.

    Can't wrap my head around how to only create one object until the object is used and the 25 subtracted.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Thanks for the quick reply!

    Can I automate that movement for the enemy, or will I still use pathfinding?


    EDIT: I removed the pathing and set 8direction is enabled with simulate 8direction pressing left.

    Looks good!

    Thanks Again!

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  • I've done some searching, but haven't found an answer. I feel like i'm missing something simple.

    I'm trying to replicate a right to left behavior like Plants vs. Zombies.

    My enemy goes from the start node, to the end node. The nodes are perfectly lined up on the Y in a grid.

    But it tends to slope down slightly as it moves along. Not in a straight line.

    I've created a simple square "enemy" and gave it a pathfinding behavior.

    On start of layout it finds path to the X and Y of the "end" node.

    And then On pathfinding path found, it moves along path.

    Any help is appreciated!



  • 4 posts