rinesjoseph's Forum Posts

  • Ok So i have seen Arcade Eds tutorials about ten or more times and when I try to use make a top score board using local storage ( to save and retrieve the data), a global string, and Arrays. Its not working. I boiled it down to the problem that I cant get tokenat to work properly.

    I thought i used tokenat to break up the string and i PUSHED the broken up string into the Array, but when im in the debugger the numbers from the string arent showing up. I dont know what im doing wrong at this point please help.

    I'll post CAPX at request but if anybody can give a crash course on how to use tokenat corretly or another way to break up a String please let me know. Thank you

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  • Allan R you just dropped some gems meaning i learning something for the future. Thank you

  • Is their a on touch release. I want to say when a certain button/sprite is released. play animation, set height etc. I know their is a is touching and you can select which button, but when I invert that command it overrides everything else cause it always true. (That command is too strong for my purposes) Please help me Im looking for a similar input to keyboard: when key is released for the touch input.

    Thank you in advance the community is good here so i know somebody can help me

  • Hey I have the new construct and it doesnt have an on touch end. it has an on any touch end, but thats not what im looking for. I have the same problem as this developer please help me

  • They are connected to the body by pinning, when the body is destroyed they automatic know to unpin and the bullet behavior pulls them to the ground. But it effects each enemy and the gravity effects all the shields and swords, but because they are pinned they stay on the enemy's body they just rotate.

    Is this their anyway to freeze the position of an object? (It would be kind of lame that they all fall the same way every time but it would fix my problem)

    Im going to try both of your suggestions thanks

  • This problem is a little more complicated than the title suggests.

    I have an enemy that is composed of 3 different objects. The enemy's body, enemy's shield, and enemy's sword. Everytime I destroy one of the enemy's body (health < 0 ) I want the items the enemy was holding to fall to the ground. I achieved this by giving it the bullet behavior, set the gravity high, so it goes straight down, and disable it when it overlaps the ground

    So Far everything is working except when the enemy's body is destroyed, it effects all the instances instead of the the instance that is being destroyed.



  • Hey I'm back with another question. If you ever played God of War or Devil May Cry you noticed that you can switch weapons in game, well thats what im trying to do but ran into a bit of a snag.

    Now I'm trying to use an array because for some reason when i try and use a container my game crashes. and I already set up an global variable that I can compare with the index of the array. ex. weaponTracker = 1 which is the 2nd weapon in the array.

    My problem is I don't know how to switch that 2nd weapon with the 1st weapon, which would make the 2nd weapon in use instead of the 1st (primary).

    how do I allow the player to switch weapons ingame using an array that holds references to other weapons.

    Please and thank you for helping me with this problem. I know their is a simple way of doing this but it eludes me as of right now

  • Hey I read up on containers and yes it sounds like VERY valuable information THANKS Linkman2004. MadSpy thank you for the test I see the error in what I was trying to do THANK YOU BOTH!!!!

    Anyone with this same problem, do what both of these members suggest. It helped me

  • I'm going to give containers a shot, I remember using families but never thought of containers MadSpy I'm giving your test a run now thank you

  • Ok so I am trying to spawn an enemy that is made up of five different sprites. Body, Two hands, a shield and a sword. I thought if I spawn the body and when the body was created I spawned the hands and the hands spawned the weapon everything would be good but for some reason they all spawn on the one spartan enemy.

    How do you properly spawn an enemy that is made up of multiple sprites.

    I would upload pictures but I dont how to yet lol sorry but if you understand my question HELP would be appreciated greatly

  • You could use the pathfinding behavior but I was scare to personally because I didnt know how much it would take from the performance of the game because i want to port this to mobile. So if you want to get this to work with the pathfinding behavior then go ahead

    #EnemiesConvergeOnPlayer #MakingPlayerFocialPointOfEnemies

    (I dont know how to tag this in the search for other people looking for a similar solution if you know please do so because this could help someone)

  • I found a solution to my problem and if anybody needs help with this here is what I did to fix my problem.

    The Problem: I wanted my enemies to go in the direction of player at all times. The problem with the bullet behavior is that if I set the angle of motion it effects all the of the spawned enemies of the same name. (if I spawn the samurai and set its angle of motion to 180, all the samurai went at the motion) This isn't converging on the enemy because they are spawn on both sides

    Solution: It seems so simple now. What I found out is that if you make an event that with the enemy class you want to target, and you select "is clockwise from" in the angle section. (Focus on making the enemy/sprite you want to go left cause by default the bullet behavior sends a sprite right)

    Depending on your game this part might be a little different but, when it asks for an angle input the MAIN CHARACTERS OF YOUR GAME X position. This part distinguishes what enemy you are talking about. (Which enemies are clockwise from player.x? ok them, now what do we do)

    lastly you have to make sure your only affecting the enemies on that side by adding a condition. the condition I used compare the X coordinates of the enemies and the player. With construct 2 the X coordinate increases from left to right, AND i want to target the enemies are the right of the player, SO if the enemies X is Greater than the player's X, THEN set the bullet motion angle to 180 degrees.

    * only bug i found with this approach is that the enemies that are coming at the enemy from the left, will double back when their X becomes greater than the players X, which kind of looks silly, but if I "Fix" it will yo-yo the other's back also so I'm leaving it and design around it. IF you guys think of a way to fix it then go ahead

  • Thanks Im going to give it a try

  • How I do I say when (whatever) is created go to the direction of the player.

    Im trying to spawn the same enemy on both sides of the enemy that converge on the player. I tried the angle(self.x,self.y,player.x,player.y) and I'm not getting the behavior i want. they end up slanting above the ground or something. Also I don't want the enemies too float off the ground I want them to stay on whatever ground I spawn them on (depending in on the level design of course). I just need them to know. Ok I was spawned, player is X direction, set bullet of motion to X direction. PLEASE HELP ME its such a simple problem that I don't know the answer too and its holding up my hold project.

  • I thought that behavior was for patrolling but now I think about it (now that you mention it) that might just be crazy enough to work lol thanks