rho's Forum Posts

  • I looked at this post as a potential customer and I was disappointed. I saw one star that just had different hues. I could get one and play with the colour settings a little and get most of these. Stars are a tough sell as you can get some great images by scaling down real ones from NASA or ESA. I think an animated one would have been more interesting, and then something for different types of stars. Your planet pack is much more impressive.

    PS: your website home doesn't work for me.. but your demos do.


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  • Hi, this is not a construct issue, you just need to learn sql a bit more.

    so I believe (late at night reading) is that what you need to learn is the UPDATE option in combination with the WHERE option.

    some links that might be useful



  • really nice game... retro but beautiful. I hate "retro" games that don't take the opportunity to be elegant but simple.

    did you really need all those permissions or are thy LUDEI requirements?


  • I like though I don't read german.

    I think C2 is a really good way to make these useful and beautiful apps that may not be stressful or high performance.

    PS: I'm not a beta signup, but I'm hoping that GC3 will be as good as it looks so far.

  • was fun, wasn't clear how you complete the level... presume it's a number of laps

    it's always a choice I know but I felt some higher quality graphics would have been nice... a little less pixelated.

    minor quibble.. you can the score as MPH which I quickly thought was "miles per hour" but MPH is a speed but your score seems to keep going up.. might be worth reviewing what you mean by MPH... can you not call it score

  • I tried it out... I won't give it a star rating... it'd be low.

    so here was why I got frustrated. and I was using an 8" android pad and it ran smoothly

    1) the movement controls are badly spaced and not at all obvious.

    2) jumping onto the platforms is very hard, it took me about 20 goes to get past level 1... that instantly annoys me

    3) but not as annoying as being surprised by having to download a 50 MB apk

    4) you start dying immediately as your welcome text comes up and you can't move. kind of unfair

    5) you can shoot your own bullets

    it all seems very impressive and you have my admiration for putting it together, but it is not at all obvious and I think at this stage it is a big overwhelming visually.


  • procedurally generate it... come up with an algorithm that takes a position (x/y) and generates a probability of a star/planet occurring... and then you will consistently have a map that could appear random, but actually isn't.

    in practice, you may find that you have a frame-rate scrolling problem if you have a fixed size layout and you're continually re-building the starmap each time you move. if you use standard scroll then you'll need to define a layout size.

  • I am not sure you can set objects to have random colours. you have your sprites with pre-defined colors. what I would suggest looking at your design is that you could have multiple frames for your objects (5x5 pixels, no need to be big) and then you can randomly select from the range of frames. I also do not think you need a top and bottom pipe, functionally they seem to be the same, just positioned differently.

    It ran okay on my laptop on chrome at 40 fps at about 5-10%

    PS: I did note that some random combinations of placements are impossible to overcome... so that makes the game a bit of a random chance game

    PS: I love your running stick man

  • there's a plugin (somewhere, a search will fine it), but there's no inbuilt method. an easy solution would be to use AJAX to request it from a server, if you have a server available.


  • floor(random(5)) will give you a number between 0 and 4 (theoretically you can also get 5 but exceptionally rarely.

    then make your object spawn based on what the number is.

    if it is just a different color car and no other difference, i'd personally just make 1 car with 5 animation frames, and just pick the frame based on the random number.

    lots of different ways to do this.


  • is that not a flexible joint on a moving pin point?


  • IE11 is building in support for ORTC (or commonly known as webrtc 1.1) so hopefully that will improve matters in terms of coverage. no timeline on when that support will become available.

  • you are using block.width instead of block.height in the Y co-ord in your create-object statement

    it should be SPAWNY - loopindex("Y")*(block.height +1)


  • PS: another way would be to find which object you are standing on, assuming that the surface is a series of connected blocks. if that is the case, then you can just find the angle of the object you are in contact with, then adjust your own angle accordingly.


  • a trick would be to know the slope at all points in advance.. if you knew that, then by using a lookup table you could figure out the angle. it'd work for predefined layouts and surfaces that do not change.

    a lookup table would be resource efficient.