RhapsodyInGeek's Forum Posts

  • I personally use an array object and an external json file set up as a "c2array". That way I can edit the array file with ease in Notepad++, since editing arrays is a bit cumbersome within Construct 2. At the very beginning of the game I load the json file into the array through AJAX actions.

    It is kind of intermediate/advanced stuff, and it only gets you part of the way there. Then it gets really complicated when you have to actually start using your database with the battle and stat formulas.

  • Gonna have to side with Tokinsom on this one. Context sensitive ordering is a better idea. "Mouse clicked Object" to "Spawn Object" is the same as apples to oranges.

    While I've not had a problem with the way the UI is set up, I will say that swapping OK/Cancel would make sense. But like I said, I've never had a problem with the setup.

  • The Dreamette hugging bacteria and playing baseball with a cyclops in the middle of a desert.


    And here's the Dreamer playing hide and seek and baseball with the Beans.


    The game's actually already finished, but I started recording some playthroughs and thought they might be fun to share.

  • You'll want to hold a variable for number of enemies destroyed (typically a global variable).

    + Green Ball: On Collision with Enemy
    -> Add 1 to Score
    + Score = 2
    -> End Level

    Also, you should typically wait a whole day before bumping your topic. 2 hours is not a whole lot of time for someone to look at your question and answer it on a forum.

  • For the way you're doing MP:

    Set Frame = round(CurrentMP/MaxMP * MPMeter.TotalFrames)

    For the way you're doing HP:

    Set Animation = "hp" & round(CurrentHP/MaxHP * HPMeter.TotalAnimations)*10

    That should do it. Haven't tested the second method yet, but it's based off of the first.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Post a capx?

  • Have you tried

    "String1" & newline & "String2" & newline


  • Best way to do it is to use families.

    +For Each (Ordered) FAMILY, Sort by Y Ascending
    -> FAMILY : Move to top of layer

    If you can't use families, then the Z-sorter plugin mentioned earlier would work fine, too.

    Don't really recommend any other methods since the above two are the simplest ways to do it.

    pixel perfick

    Moving characters from Layer to Layer is not the same as changing the Z order. In each layer you have an X,Y, and Z coordinate. Z decides which object gets drawn on the top. Moving from Layer to Layer isn't practical for top down games because if you have a large number of characters/objects on screen, you'd need a layer for every one of them in order to properly display "depth", in every layout. Way more work than necessary, and likely a bad idea for performance as well (haven't tested layer limits myself). Layers are better used for parallaxing, HUDs, forest canopies, cloud shadows, weather, fog, environmental effects, backgrounds, collision layers, etc... rather than sprite sorting.

    Besides, why make 100+ layers to accomplish what can be done in 1 event?

  • Or conversely, if your target platform supports .ogg, find a way to get rid of the m4a's.

    Oggs have better compression/quality.

    You won't cut the game size in half, though sadly. It's the wav files that are taking up all the space. In general, your m4a's and ogg's combined only take up around a quarter/third of the space your wavs are taking up.

  • It was essentially a sequencer/sampler, just like the SNES except more advanced. They actually still use them today in many games (mostly console games) or hybridized versions that are part mp3, part sequenced. It's how they keep the filesize down and allow for dynamically changing music. They pretty much had only one sample per instrument for the most part, and that one sample was pitch shifted to give the entire spectrum of notes. Pretty cool stuff. MOD Plug Tracker is a pretty good representation of the concept. It's also what we're using for our next game, which is going to be more SNES style.

    The other way they keep filesizes down is by making the songs last only so long. Most of the tracks you hear in OOT and many other console games (even today) are usually around a minute, a minute and a half, maybe 2 minutes. Very rarely did you ever find tracks that had longer than 2 minute loops.

    The way they made them sound much longer than that was through compositional trickery: each section in the songs only last a few bars at most before they switched to a transition section that would lead into a brand new section. Each section had their own quick identifiable hooks.

    Now Construct 2 can't handle MIDI or MOD files (yet!) but you can still make your music/sound files take up as little space as possible through smart composition. In Happiness! we composed 16 music tracks, which was separated into around 84 files, including the ogg, m4a, and wav formats and separating most of the tracks into "intros" and "loops". All in all, the 84 files take 95.9 MB. 75.5 MB of that are the 28 uncompressed wav files.

    Fortunately, Scirra thought ahead and Construct games only load audio files when you need to use them, and you also have plenty of options to control preloading audio files.

    I don't recommend nixing the wav files, for compatibility reasons. Ogg is the best format though, best compression while maintaining the best quality. And nevernevernevernever mp3.

  • RandomExile

    We just released Happiness! this past March.

    Happiness! at Blue Key Games

    It's about as long as your average Mega Man game. It was done in the course of less than a year, mostly by myself. It's actually pretty deceptively complex for a platformer. It's because you hug things rather than kill them.

    I've got a small team together now. We're working on an SNES style action RPG. It's coming out pretty awesome. Should have something to show off soon, which is bound to get a whole ton of "how did you do that?!" types of questions. Should be fun!

    C2 is fully capable of any 2D game project you can think of. It's just a matter of patience, logic, and skill. But mostly patience.

  • Tobye sorry, here's the fix'd link.

    Keyboard Rollover

  • Might be a lead:

    Keyboard Rollover

    Then again, I can use a combination of UP + LEFT in other games, yet I'm experiencing the problem myself, too.

  • Bullet behavior like RangerJim and ArcadEd suggested.

    Or do

    +For Each MovingWall
    -> Set MovingWall.X = MovingWall.X - (pixels per second) * dt
    +MovingWall On Collision With SolidObject
    -> Destroy MovingWall

    That doesn't use any behaviors. There are also plenty of other ways to do it, up to you naturally. That's the beautiful thing about Construct 2. So many ways to do so many things.

  • RPG Maker isn't on its own. I've used it before, and it's awesome, but the biggest issue with Pokemon is not even the stats or the Pokemon list, but the database of EVERY UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL POKEMON YOU CATCH.

    Every Pokemon in the Pokemon games was unique, even in the same species. This was decided based upon things called Individual Values and Effort Values. IVs were decided upon the moment the Pokemon was either caught or born, and each one was a random multiple of 2, between 0 and 32 I believe. Every EV was done through training, and you would gain certain EVs from battling certain Pokemon, up to a total of I think 255. They modified each individual stat. These are stats that were hidden in the game that players only ever got hints at.

    You'll also need to keep track of each individual Pokemon's moveset. Plus, every Pokemon you catch has both a Trainer ID and a Secret ID.

    You'll basically need to figure out a way to create a dynamic database for every Pokemon caught, and if you include multiplayer support, ways to represent that to each player. Arrays and JSON will likely be your best friends.

    My suggestion: Get really really intimately familiar with the following features in Construct:

    * Arrays

    * AJAX

    * JSON

    * Functions

    * Families

    * Groups

    * Event Sheet Includes

    RPGs are intense affairs. I'm working on a mere Action RPG and while it's coming along, it's a huuuuuuuuuge amount of work. There's a reason there aren't any complex RPGs out for Construct 2 yet. They're hard and they take a LOT of dedication.

    That said, I wish you luck because it would be really cool to see someone do something like that with Construct. Because it certainly can!