RhapsodyInGeek's Forum Posts

  • This is really cool. Inspiring me to do something mode 7 style.

    I couldn't play the sea one, but the ground one worked fine.

    Awesome job.

  • Finally got around to making a trailer for "Happiness!"<img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

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  • Why not global variables? Or better yet, an array! Dictionary object is not a bad choice either. A lot of good ways to do this.



  • Point sampling is the one you want to use actually, if you're trying to get rid of the blur when scaling.

  • Then again, I know of plenty of adventure games that had action elements to it. To keep things from feeling too jarring though, you might want to consider making those points occur only when necessary, and maybe nix the "health bar" altogether. Make those sections either "instant death" or have a certain number of repeat tries where it is described how many shots you have left in that segment before meeting certain doom. What you should also do is make sure you either have checkpoints before each of those sections OR allow saving anywhere. That way it will decrease the frustration any players may have.

    Also, make sure that the segments don't "sneak up" on the player: as Kyatric mentioned, adventure games are meant to be taken a bit slower with a bit more thought. Allow the player to take in the obstacle first before jumping into it, to think things through. If that's impossible for the scene, then make the solution to the action obstacle instantly recognizable.

    Another way to make it feel less jarring in the "action" segments is to make sure the controls match with the controls from every other section of the game. If you swipe to move some curtains aside or swipe to wipe away cobwebs, maybe swipe to blow out a candle, then swiping to shoo attacking birds away would likely feel just as natural. If you're tapping the screen to throw a rock at a button earlier in the game, then later in the game if you're throwing a rock at a monster it's going to feel just as natural and feel like an extension rather than a completely different gameplay concept.

    Just a few thoughts on the topic. Don't take my words as hard fast rules, they really are just suggestions.

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  • Your images are broken.

  • Not sure what you mean. Are you asking how to make each level use the same event sheet? Or just how to include a general purpose event sheet into another one so you don't have to duplicate events? Or something else?

  • Worked like a charm! Fantastic! Thanks a million!

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  • I don't know if I mentioned this yet Rex, but your Sprite Bank was a godsend for my last game and likely will be for my next as well. So thanks a ton a ton a TON for this! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I'm having a problem with delta time in the Awesomium export I think. I only say I think because I'm not positive, and I put this in "How Do I?" because I don't know if it's a bug.

    I initially had a "Wait" action in the events, but for some reason the EXE export would just skip right by them really quickly, though not instantly, and it would bypass the "On Audio End" trigger. On the HTML5 version it plays through the splash logos just fine and the "On Audio End" trigger does trigger just fine, whether testing or playing online.

    Here are the two different versions:

    Happiness! Demo HTML5 Version

    Happiness! Demo EXE Version 25MB

    The first one will play correctly, the second one is screwy. The events are laid out the same. Right now they're using a private variable on the splash logo called timer that every tick is set to:

    splash_logo.timer - 1 * dt

    Before they were just using the "Wait" action.

    I feel like it's a bug, but I don't know if it is. I haven't experienced that issue elsewhere yet on the EXE export, but I may have just not have noticed elsewhere, too.

  • Updated original post with image in question.

  • Well you can find the logo pretty much everywhere on the site. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Besides, it'd be impossible for them to try to make a logo for every resolution and art style.

  • Maybe take down the X coordinate as variable "StartTouchX" of the touch on the touch trigger, then have a second variable as "EndTouchX" and update that every tick until a "touch end" is triggered?

  • Not sure what you're trying to do to be honest. Could you post some sort of visual example (a screenshot of what happens and an image of what is supposed to happen, or a capx)? I'm not sure what you mean by "nothing shows up", but it's definitely possible to have multiple scores for multiple characters and to display a score unique to each character.