Only "Digger" mode has Corridor minimum length, Corridor maximum length parameter. These 3 modes all have corridors (i.e. connectors of rooms)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Green chess only goes to the the neighbor which is most close to target chess as I said before. It will not find a path to target.
Use this plugin to find a path from source to target.
rex_taffydb plugin, now it could minify.
What kind of behavior do you expect?
Okey, I saw it.
The green chess will try to find a possible neighbor which is most close to target chess. It will stop until overlapping with target.
I could not see the image you post.
Add rex_dungeon_gen plugin to generate random dungeon map which composed of walls, rooms, and corridors asynchronously. Reference: rot.js
Document, plugin and sample capx are included.
See the official text plugin, it could draw at canvas2d or webgl both.
I might not explain clearly.
"this" had been override in callback, it was not the same object as you expect. So using another variable to store the "this" reference.
Add "var self=this;" , and replace "this" by "self" in callback function.
var self=this; $.ajax({ url: "" + apikey + "&lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lng, method: "get" }).done(function (res) { self.result = res; console.log(res); }).error(function (result) { });[/code:1r8riod9]
Official Ajax plugin works fine. You might reference it.
Add "Expression:MotionData" to read custom data of current motion. It could be used to play sound at motion began. See the sample capx and demo.
The official parse service will be closed.
Fortunately parse had released an open source version of parse server, it could be installed at heroku (tutorial)
I guess that it is possible to make a platformer character, but this plugin does not have collision polygon, it only has collision box like text object.
I had removed other plugins, you might try this capx again.